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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Check it out. http://www.amazon.com/Dora-Aquapet-Explorer-Wild-Planet/dp/B000IM15QI/ref=pd_sim_t_2/102-4705867-2402542
  2. I just pulled that shit tonight. Whoops-He does not need the car till the weekend anyways, and he lives literally 30 seconds down the street. May I ask what Subie and from whom?
  3. If you loose to a police interceptor, you should be ashamed of yourself.
  4. Fags There is a similar line at the Best Buy by me, but there is no security guard for them at night.... Needless to say-they are a little less excited about sitting up there after last night. 4 fully loaded laser trigger paint ball guns-left over “screaming” fireworks, and one H1000>Wet fag tents.
  5. Wait.... Shouldn’t you be owning the pussy? I must say I have never had this problem-I tell chics I date up front what the fuck I do, like, and like to do-and make sure they understand I will be doing those same things-(sans pussy hunting)-if we are together or not. A good relationship should not hinder, it should augment your life.
  6. I cant see avi files. It sounds like I dont want to...?
  7. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www2.lut.fi/~vanninen/night_rider.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www2.lut.fi/~vanninen/&h=599&w=446&sz=71&hl=en&start=49&tbnid=Wm-xSsQU6S_FHM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnight%2Brider%2B%26start%3D36%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN Likely the worst thing I have ever seen. Dont say you were not warned. Linn-top that.
  8. coltboostin

    Holy WTF?

    I stumbled upon this looking for pics of Flat black cars of all things. Looks like some fucked up Euro trash fags or something-but there is some funny shit on here. Be afraid to click.. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www2.lut.fi/~vanninen/night_rider.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www2.lut.fi/~vanninen/&h=599&w=446&sz=71&hl=en&start=49&tbnid=Wm-xSsQU6S_FHM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnight%2Brider%2B%26start%3D36%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
  9. So gearhead-no comment to this? Did Linn really scare the piss out fo you all summer long?
  10. Fag Edit-Well, seeing how much snatch it has netted a few of my partners in crime, I may need to join the bandwagon and consol all these EMO bitches with my cock.
  11. coltboostin

    Friday Nov. 10th

    We will be out in force if you want to make the drive. Just watch out for my dangerous ass on this bike!
  12. Did you beat anyone noteworthy this year? I am asking because I honestly dont know.
  13. It was a great show-nice pics. I threw a few down with Will Castro, Mad Mike, and Reme at the Circle bar at the Hard Rock Thursday night. Will and Mike were real cool, but Reme was kind of a queer ball.
  14. coltboostin


    This got me ass. Thanks!
  15. Last night was the best "night out" of my life-hands down. Started like a scripted Movie, ended with a BANG-and a multiple stage big one at that. Unholy god this place is evil.
  16. So, the thing I have learned the last 2 nights- Know who the fuck your talking to. After sharing a beer with, and BSing with a random black guy that looks familiar, don’t ask him how pimp my ride is doing, only to find out he is Funk Master Flex. :/ Idiot. Asian massage parlors are Da Bomb Red is god, Black is fucking evil. Even if your up, the house ALWAYS wins. Don’t even bother to gamble. Lamborghinis do shitty burnouts-“Vegas Left” is legal in some spots I can have a carrier becoming a professional race car pusher for Signal’s auto Japan A Saturn’s 110 to Zero time is sub par. Local bitched suck Chics in bachelorete parties are fucking cock hungry Don’t call the bouncer an asshole, and get in his face, even if he needs it. I should have punched Gordon in the face, I would be up $1000 This place is evil, I honestly hate it. It is everything that is back about human beings-but its fucking intoxicating- And not for the first time I really understand the whole what happens in Vegas bit…..
  17. I have been in town for one night so far. Last night alone, we drank/saw/had a beer with.. Will Castro (owner of Unique Autosport-“Unique Whips”), Reme, Mad Mike from pimp my ride, Robbie Gordan (who in other news I was offered 1000$ cash to punch in the face-more on that later), Brian Crower, (Crower rods), Wee Man, and random industry big wigs like Nero of Titan, the uber guy that owns APS, Christian Rado, and a long list I people I don’t remember. Add the most hookers I have ever seen at one bar (and the most looser I have ever seen trying to get with them), and you have you average Vegas night. I did not want to look like a D-bag and take pics, but I do have pics of the 5500sq ft. house a friend of mine lent to me. I need some snatch in here so it does not feel so fin empty!
  18. My old car beat Busas-they were easy money since they think no car can hang. It sounds like you fit the stereotype. My personal friend builds turbo kits for some of the fastest street bikes in the country. His new zx12 just went 8.0@182 in full street trim hazing the tire on the top end. Its his DD bike. It pulls so hard your neck literally hurts trying to keep it forward. In other news I have somehow put 260 miles on this bike in 3 days of riding?! Yikes
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