I am not the best
I am not the fastest
I have never claimed to be either, but thanks for playing.
As far as the good old, "in the end of the day, you still have a econo-box", -when you on 270,224,71,480, Mars- its not a car show, its not a wheels show, we dont roll doors open-we race. The winner is not determined by what the retail of the car is, what the bling factor is, how "cool" it is, the winner is the one who gets to the set finish first. I dont know how your do it down there, but if you loose to a shoping cart up here, no matter what your in, you lost, your the looser. If you can hang, dont step up, and dont bitch afterwords if you loose.
The car is my toy, to go fast, not win car shows. Something cheap to do while Im in college, thats all, nothing more. If you cant deal with that, race me, or keep your mouth shut and stay home and complain about me on the interweb.