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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Latest thing I have slapped together. Really, just to make room for the new "project". http://i003.photobucket.com/albums/af154/coltboostin/GalantPIC.jpg
  2. You buy it from an add on here? Link to previous add?
  3. I think the issue is that there are a pile of cars that outperform it in every aspect at the same price point. Im not a Ford guy, but the Mustang is a Damn good looking car, and the fact that you can get a GT for 8k less than an RS-I think you'd have a hard time leaving with an RS. ALL Ford had to do was get the RS to like 500CHP and they could have sold em for 50k
  4. :lolguy::lolguy: Funny on multiple levels.
  5. I'm not sure why you are sohorny for me?
  6. None of this is fun unless we know what they sold for! OP can you comment on what the first 3 cars sold for?
  7. So if there is a box stuffed to the gills in an undisclosed location, please tell me how one would know whats in it? So who's the real asshole? The girl that wanted to make it work, or the guy that strung her along? If she wanted kids, and you didn't, why string her along? 8 years is a LONG time to wait around for someone, and any woman who was actually worth being around would not stick around for 8 years for your good company LOL The one bright side of shared custody LOL. Like I said. pros and cons to everything. One of my wife's friends who co-parents told my wife she does not want 100% custody because she likes to have her weekends off. Sounds fucked up, but I get it.
  8. Fixed. Not to take anything aware from adopting, but there is NOTHING in this world, NOTHING- like seeing and interacting with your offspring every day- a little nugget that looks like you, act like you, and wants nothing more than to be you when they grow up. And this is coming from a guy that lived about the most vigorous single give zero fucks lifestyle one can live. As for the women, people my age can only find decent women via E-dating. Nothing wrong with that- but no women worth being around after 30 doesn't come with baggage. The good ones are taken, and the ones that have no kids, and have never been married, are 100% guaranteed to have a malfunction of some sort. If you are OK with being a loaner, or a Yolo single guy int he dating scene, you eventually be that" weird old guy" at the bar. Its inevitable. There are pros and cons to everything in life, and marriage is not for everyone. But having a real life long teammate at your side that happens to have Dat Killa' makes a lot of sense long term.
  9. You cant track cash playa
  10. You know what they say about having your cake and eating it too?
  11. Your a big man for leaving it all out there. Props' sir. As he said, its work no matter what- and kids compound it especially if you dont have family help. But with kids in the picture, you want to do MORE than everything to make it work. I love my wife, and luckily we have made it though bumps that were 100% my fault. I was a pretty shitty husband the first few year but I am 200% thankful we dint give up. 8 years later now with 2 kids, time together kid free is at such a premium. I can recognize 95% of her stress is because she is with kids all day (she also watched kids int he neighborhood) and if they are being little pricks, there is no outlet. He parents are turds and no help. I take care of my mother financially after her stroke, so she is no help. And my Dad is fully capable but his crazy new wife makes him useless. Any time away without kids costs us $10hr minimum. That all sucks, and it adds stress before I get out of bed every day. That being said, you always have to look at what the stress is, and try to find a way to relieve it. Sometimes, it cant be "removed" but as Kirk suggested, he took to running too "relieve" it. Start at the beginning- go back to what brought you too together. Find the common bond and focus on the good. You HAVE To have time as a COUPLE, not as mom and DAD. both bonds have to be strong. Also as Kirk mentioned-try everything before you give up!
  12. Just a little TnT after they dyno session
  13. The state is 0 for 5 lifetime with Audits for me. Extraordinarily easy to work that end of the system. And I actually *paid* less for all of em LOL
  14. Scary as thats super similar to how Kalitta' died- only difference is his car went dead straight, hers vered (or she drove into) the wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfdDBq4POh4
  15. Dipped my toe in the LS waters. I liked it (a lot) but life is about opportunities, and I'm striking while this iron is HOT. Took title to 3 cars today. Go big or go home right? LOL http://i1003.photobucket.com/albums/af154/coltboostin/IMG_20170602_131722272.jpg
  16. Congrats! What do you have now?
  17. Hope she does not have a CR account. :no: Good luck sir. Sucks to hear, and it must be bad indeed if you are posting about it here
  18. Not at all a fun car, but its a nice truck. Agree with the sunroof and do-dads. Remote start so nice in winter. Surprised the Caddy didnt have it?
  19. Not even a tune? LOL. A 160 Stat and a tune would knock 3-4 tenths off just from timing. Good work! Ever run it stock?
  20. If you deliver it to CLE I'll give you $100 for both
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