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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Unless I was guaranteed to make money I could not live with myself if my car payment=my mortgage, unless I still lived in a shack in Cleveland. I would just feel like I was throwing money away even in the long run it that was not necessarily the case I fit #2 #3 ish if you consider my Rx-7 is 100% F body powered?
  2. Honest question; do you know what a CTS-V is?
  3. He made a smart business decision, and it could not have worked out better. If hindsight is 20/20, you cant be mad at him now! He, I still have a "beat Detroit" shirt they gave out at those games! If he wins this year, it will be hard not to put him at the top of the best ever list. Jordan is always the Sexy pick, but Lebron's D is on another level. Also, IMO Jordan always had a better supporting cast. I have a team outing on the 26th, and my team wants to go to the game presuming its in town that day. Cant wait to see what 18 lower bowl seats cost. :lolguy: PS: Didn't know there were so many Ex CLE people here. Dont know if that's good or bad LOL. Hard not to be excited right now-I about flew out of my chair when Lebron drained that buzzard beater.
  4. coltboostin

    The Cavs

    Any of you guys Fans down there? Watching the games? Delly and our bench in general makes it seem like they can really take it all the way this year.
  5. Ha!! I'm sure we still agree with more than you think old friend. Scary fact; I have "left it in" only twice in my life, ever, and I have 2 kids! No wonder PR's breed like rabbits!! So yes, Viper time. Fuck back seats :lolguy:
  6. Mark's wording is goofy, but he is speaking monthly payment. I don't advertise on CR but I am a manager for a mortgage bank and can also answer any question people have on that subject. If anyone is in the market to buy or refi, we can do as low as 560 Fico in some situations, so do not be afraid to ask if you qualify.
  7. Fair enough! Was this a rental or TnT? How was track prep?
  8. For sure. I do the same. I have not had an interest rate on a "DD" credit card for about 7 years now. I do have a rate on my Southwest Card, but it has netted me 6 free flights in 2 years, so its working out in my eye. Your opinion is not welcome in this thread sir!
  9. I'm all about a deal. She stays home with the kid and I deal with all finances. She trusts me when I say the finances are fine (which they are) and at this point, I pay all bills. Luckily she is pretty low maintenance. As long as she has a nice, reliable car to haul the kid around and her cell works, she is good. As far as cars, well she knows me. She told me to buy a Lambo if that means I would get rid of the RX-7 The same reckless abandon that I am sure attracted her to me is now more of an issue (obviously) with my role as husband/father/breadwinner.
  10. No monthly payments-I like to buy cash. Its just old habit from growing up broke. If I have a car note, its because the Credit Union would beg for it, and give me a ridiculous rate. (My CU is at 1.9% now, get a call every week about it LOL) That makes a TON of sense Mikey. 10-20% is what I think is about right too. This is a great "rule of thumb". Looking at my builds, you know I'm bout' dat life
  11. Its not a house lol. The only way you can pull that shit is if you sneak it into some LLC or Schedule A and hope you dont get Audited.
  12. I think that mentality is a big part of the american Debt problem. I see that as a dumb move, most dont. #2.
  13. So, why don't I get a beater Gallardo? That's really the argument. Also that mentality only lasts so long. We can just pass cars endlessly around the car community for the sale resale value. Eventually, someone is going to lose. Its like a shitty game of hot potato. Or, buy this, put 2 car seats in it, drive it for 3 years, and break even. http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=44131&endYear=2010&modelCode1=CTS&sortBy=derivedpriceASC&showcaseOwnerId=0&startYear=2007&makeCode1=CAD&engineCodes=8CLDR&engineCode=8CLDR&searchRadius=0&trim1=CTS%7CV&mmt=%5BCAD%5BCTS%5BCTS%257CV%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&listingId=391763457&Log=0
  14. That seems backwards to me, but you pose a fair argument. You are misreading what I wrote. but hesitate to go over 30% of my yearly gross. Get it now?
  15. The older I get, I seem to live my live in 3-6-12 and 60 month projections on where I want to be financially, and how to get there. Any short term expenditure I look as a percentage of yearly gross to consider if its worth doing. That being said, does anyone else look at car purchases (DD or dedicated toys) int he same way? Or, do you just do to the deal, say I want that, and find someone whom will fiance it? Things are great now, but my wife does not work and probably wont for at least the next 2 years. I am considering stepping up the price point for my car shopping, but hesitate to go over 30% of my yearly gross. Is that a ridiculous way to think about car buying?
  16. Thanks for the info!! What makes the V box better/different than the Qstarz?
  17. I think its good to see if I am still making gains. Again, would love to see how "accurate" it is in comparison. No speedo in my car, and I dont think this will serve my purpose. But, it may be a good hack to get a Tack in the car lol. Can this sync with a cheap-o tablet with Bluetooth? And what makes that better or different than this one? http://www.amazon.com/Version-Bluetooth-Diagnostic-Interface-Scanner/dp/B008UR7J6I/ref=pd_sim_263_6/190-0959385-8679908?ie=UTF8&refRID=0JV1D1FDSVR24SR64FX7
  18. Looking for a quick and dirty way to log 40-140, 90-130...ect runs without shelling out the $$$ for a V box. Found this, looks interesting. Anyone use it? Anyone with a V-box want to download it to compare accuracy? http://xyo.net/android-app/speedometer-0-100-0-60-timers-FmEW29s/
  19. It's a god damn race car. Sign me up!
  20. if you are talking to me, its new
  21. I have anew subie turbo, but I think it s Vf34(or whatever the stock WRX turbo is)
  22. Awesome guys!! Hope I can be there next year as long as I dont knock up the old lady again!!! LOL
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