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Everything posted by renegadmonk

  1. Somebody should find that guy and go beat his ass.
  2. i will ride with you folks i just need to know ahead of time. That way i can keep my daughter on nights we dont ride. I am free wed eve-sat.
  3. i got pistols i havent shot in months and rifles that i have in a couple years. Plan on getting back into it real soon.
  4. nice pistol i fired one of those with a silencer on it once...awesome. only thing you heard was the action and the bullet hitting the mud. Only drawback....small subsonic rounds like that sometimes cant push the slide all the way back causing a jam.
  5. renegadmonk


    yeah it was pretty dead out at National Trails but even so the 1/4 mile runs were pretty cool. Thought it would be a bigger turn out than it did.
  6. To the Cyclefest they got coming up this weekend at www.nationaltrailraceway.com
  7. Hey bret like i told you before....by the time she breaks it in she will be aching for a 600...lol
  8. I guess since its usually a good turnout in August at Mid Ohio that i was wondering how soon should someone try to get a spot at the camp grounds? now maybe? Especially since its only one race this year. Thoughts from anyone else?
  9. yeah dude that sucks i remember back in the mid 90's i saw this kid with just shorts and sneakers try to do a wheelie down my dads street on a 900RR and it went up too high and he also tried to run behind it and inadvertantly rolled on the throttle...shit he slid about 60 feet on the asphalt with no shirt, no helmet.......and the bike fuckin zinged all the way down the street to then next corner. Needless to say he had gigantic patches of "white" where his "brown" flesh use to be all over his back and forearms. Next day i seen him he look like a mummy all wrapped up in gauze. Our hobby is definately dangerous.
  10. Ditto i dont know how many people i ran into that had 250's and were bored after about 3-4 mos.
  11. yeah i hope the weather is great also......but the August race last year had to be better than the end of season race where the weather sucked fri,sat, and then a great day Sunday.
  12. So we have 4 so far... probably at least 6 then...... two brothers that i work with said they are definately going. I do plan on camping there...i mean you cant go and not camp... all the beer and stuff going....LOL
  13. I think you need to mail them in to Mid-Ohio and they would send you new tickets....there was a date that they needed to be in by that sucks i bet the date has passed. they didnt give us much info when they told us.
  14. i am going, suppose to have a free admission since the last race of 06 was a shitty rainy weekend except that Sunday. Will have to call them to see if they will still honor what they said.
  15. shit .....fuck that i am going to ride til the weather will not let me ride anymore. I refuse to be made to stop riding by anyone except myself. This is the kind of stuff i am talking about. If we bikers are speeding i dont argue that we should get a ticket. But for bullshit stuff like license plate mounting.....thats nuts!.
  16. Look we all know they are out there. And we all know that we with motorcycles tend to ride fast and most of us know we will be ticketed if we are caught speeding. This is just a warning for those who will speed in the areas mentioned that i know where the cops are. And if bikes can be modified for more speed however little or more it will be done.....just the way it is.
  17. the one bike i saw pulled over was a cruiser.
  18. Again watch out on the east side of 270 when you get to the Broad St overpass on up. Was out about 1am last night. After riding past Whiskeys on 161 on my way to 270 i seen alot of them up in that construction area (161&270). Today there was one sitting on the Broad st. overpass clocking people while the units on the freeway pulled them over..seen no less than 6 vehicles and 1 motorcyclist pulled over...not mine of course thank god. So beware fellow riders.
  19. guess it was his then...went to get the right rear tire fixed on my honda.
  20. thats funny...my buddys bike is orange too....lol
  21. Will somebody burn that damn Honda emotion? It's WAY over used on this board...lol :tongue: OH?...... Everyone and I mean EVERYONE knows GSX-R's are Da Shit - .... Every hillbilly needs a KAW though..... My buddy did battle with an 06 Gixxer 1000 this morn down near 71S on the southern part of 270 and waxed him with his 04 ZX10. They are nice though but give me a Kaw for the raw power.
  22. seen a bike like yours over at NTB this morn.
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