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Everything posted by renegadmonk

  1. funny how we went from "who wrecked" to bustin caps in peoples ass...LOL. I apologize for helping steer from the subject.
  2. dude i dont think anyone here is talking 1 on 1. Hell 1 on 1 would be cool you could just duke it out.
  3. full gear ....thats funny lol.....now you know and i know...lol...if they do get out the car you can bet more than likely one of them has a weapon. Most punks hang out in packs anyway because they scared to be alone due to the fact they probably did something to someone else in the not too distant past.
  4. no no no i dont mean just shooting up a car just because knuckleheads swerve in front of you.....dude i have seen people hop out of cars 4 deep or more to start some shit. And it isnt always about flipping them off and forgetting about because if they react right after the flip off you better be ready especially if they cut you off to where you cant go anywhere. Thats what i am talking about i have seen happen to people on more that a few occasions.
  5. thats because you havent seen the shit happen that i have with a group a assholes in and suv or a car.
  6. I got strips too but i just got into the twisty thing.....trying to get some more practice on the turns to wear them thinner.....lol..will keep trying i guess.
  7. things like that you just dont mention to anyone til years later when you can give someone else advice and a story about a bad decision you made that could have caused yourself alot of problems.
  8. mr.bret are you saying its all poppi-cock?.....
  9. Yeah he is a young business man all the way....
  10. Couldnt he try Bilsubub?....
  11. well i figured i would get it done and forget about it.
  12. Thats why i didnt take the MSF course. Just as the year turned '05 into '06the classes filled up clear into June.....i was like "holy shit!" So i borrowed some guys scooter.
  13. dude borrow a scooter from someone.....its a hell of a lot easier and you get the same endorsement. I know from experience.
  14. welcome homie.....i am another one from youngstown...south side.
  15. sounds good ....a ride may do myself some good after a hot pain-in-the-ass week.
  16. silver or white would be nice.
  17. just soak your face up with water before you get near her and act like you got a fever or something if you cant think of anything.
  18. Its a delicate situation because of where you work if you are an ass about it the hotties may take note. There is always and ugly chick with a hot friend...you know how it goes. I dont have a solution but however you handle it be a gentlement about it.
  19. yeah same here i got one extra i would like to part with.
  20. i may have an extra ticket....someone who was suppose to go couldnt make it so i will may have an extra ticket and paddock pass.
  21. Every time i hear something like this i get pissed at how people have their heads so far up there ass while operating a 3000lb+ vehicle. Totally f@#king amazes me.
  22. Cant say i do but i am sure someone i know from Austintown does. Hey i am leaving early Fri. morn so i can be there when the gates open know telling how many people will be there waiting also.
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