I could care less how someone is supposedly getting over because if and when it is meant to come to an end it will. Think about those that are getting over much more than she supposedly is ...that work in our government that doesnt get the media coverage.... i.e. politicians and the like. What gets me is the health care and retirement our politicians get in washington D.C. Most of us working folks couldnt come close to anything like that and they dont even put in 20 or 30 years work....if you call it that.
Dont be surprised if you see more of it. I was in Jordan a year ago and motorcycles above 150cc's (which are basically scooters) have been ok's to own again. For some reason the King banned them some years ago. I saw 1 older gsxr1000 on the street when i was there. As for the cars they got it going on as much as we do with the imports. I saw some really nice Evos, Hondas, and Skylines all tricked out. The youth really love their secret meeting places where they can do burnouts and all the crazy shit we do...til the cops show up..LOL.
As long as its not through any rebel held territory.....They do an off road race from Lisbon to Dakar (Spain to Senegal) every year. They got motards, cars, pickup trucks, and large single axel MANN trucks.
yeah dude i hadnt been checkin on the site as much as i used to. After reading that you were in ICU i was like "holy shit". See you at the get-together....oh yeah btw stay away !!! from those water balloons.