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Everything posted by wnaplay

  1. My wife is a cake decorator and this was used as a spare stove for when the orders were to much for just 1 stove. It all works good. Large enough for all her cake pans. Would make someone a nice powder coat oven. We plugged it into where our dryer plugs in so I am not sure if it is the same connection, but these cords can be changed out(you already have the cord if yours just went out). Bring me a couple packs of smokes and its yours. I am in Reynoldsburg. Thanks
  2. Looking for something for my 10 year old son. Fastest way to get ahold of me is through email jasonebright@sbcglobal.net looking for something 90cc to 150cc. Thanks
  3. I will ship it. I will try to get pics of it tomorrow.
  4. Title is clean, clean and in my hand.
  5. Someone make offer. Christmas is coming.
  6. Why the hell would I care if someone steals my shit. Its all insured. Come take it. I will get new better stuff. Thats like someone saying I hope my house doesnt burn down. As long as were not here when it happens, let the mother fucker burn. I need the 5th bedroom above the garage on a rebuild.
  7. I have been downsizing alot lately, with almost 4 vehicles this month but currently heres the lineup 2002 Olds bravada 2000 honda odyssey 1989 cbr900rr 2003 polaris trailblazer 400 sportsman Yamaha quad 1989 maxum 20' boat 1997 crownline whippled charged boat 1997 majestic moped 1996 Tomos lx moped 1989 coleman camper
  8. I live 2 streets behind that place and I am surprised they dont get a noise complaint everynight from the people even closer. I can shut my window and dont hear it but I can hear it word for word if I really listen.
  9. As stated many times its been a rough year for riders. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/09/17/motorcdead.html?type=rss&cat=&sid=101
  10. Selling a used motorcycle cover in good condition. It wont fit over the large cowl of my cbr but it almost does. Selling it for what I got it for $30. Thanks
  11. if you dont mind me asking, whats the back story on what happened?
  12. I could use the boots for dirt riding let me know. Thanks
  13. The fact that your able to type on the internet so soon after your accident and being such a severe accident, says alot about you sir. I wish you the best of luck and hope things can back to normal or as close to it as possible. Good luck.
  14. Whats the chances, truth life just isnt fair. Family and friends expecting him home and child probably being told hes coming and tragedy strikes.
  15. TTT will trade for used dirt gear.
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