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Posts posted by ped

  1. there what is? i'll say that to anyone spouting bullshit. you're just so indulged into political theater brainwashing you cant see anything else.

    and FYI from 81-87 senate was controlled by republicans

    2001-2006 republicans controlled both

    so, no excuses why there were records set. especially seeing as congress had dems 5 for decades prior. but hey keep buying into bullshit. a fool is cool after all.

  2. wow. maybe YOU should go back and learn how the government works. last time i checked the president had powers of veto and influence and holds as much authority as congress.

    is there nothing your stupid party can do wrong? "they really really wanted to do what they said but those darn other guys wouldnt let them." :rolleyes:

  3. haha you are an armchair racer! seriously though why dont you pay the couple hundred dollars for a license and entry fees so you can be cool too? get yourself a ninja 500 to race so you can consistantly finish 2nd. (out of 2 people)

  4. Kasich is a fiscal conservative. He believes in small government, lower taxes, and lower spending. He has my vote.

    thats why i cant vote for him. every republican since nixon has said this and yet has grown the debt and government to unprecedented levels. you should run in fear if a republican says these populist pleasantries. how or why people still belive a word that comes out of a politicians mouth astounds me...

  5. who are you riding with? Not all intermediate groups are created equal.

    the question should be who are you riding on the street with.

    And yeah, crashing is always a possibility, but I wouldn't call it "common." On a bad day at the track, you'll see 10 crashes. Consider that you've probably got 100+ people riding, and you're looking at a 90% chance that you WON'T crash.

    Ultimately, you control your pace. Ride within your limits, and your odds of crashing drop drastically.

    yep. and i would say the vast majority of crashes at the track happen from rider error, not like on the street where other things cause one. so its a helleva lot more up to you.

  6. except for light weight, brakes, suspension, agility, side grip.....all of which a pig busa dont have haha

    you pull 6 seconds on a long straight, but brake 200 yards earlier because you're bike takes exponentially more brake power to slow it down at a given speed and its too fast for your abilities so you over brake loosing 3 seconds. you loose another second at turn in wrestling a pig because it has to have so much wheel base. then you cant maintain mid corner speed because the shit chassis is made to contain an over sized underpowered motor. then at post apex you cant get on te gas as early because you cant manage the torque and the over sized chassis cant provide side grip and you run wide while slipping the rear all while a 600 just passed you because its made to corner.

    so all that hp is a waste and appealing to only straight line woodies...

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