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Everything posted by Howabusa

  1. The wife and me are driving over Friday, staying in Fisher, about 15 miles from the track. Are tickets are in E section, See ya.
  2. Hey, don't lump me in with Kevin & Brian, they're way faster & crazier than me.
  3. I can't go anyway, that's the weekend my wife graduates. Saturday is the party.
  4. I don't think I've been riding 536 for 4 years, Pauly. Maybe a couple, hell half the time I'm not sure what road I'm on, I'm just trying to keep you fast northern guys in my sight!:):)
  5. How long have we been riding this road?
  6. Cool, I'm a hardcore street racer! :smile::smile:
  7. Someone posted a few days ago that they had ticks to sell for the GP, Are there any left?
  8. I decided to go ahead and spilt off at the dam. I rode north of Mohican for a couple of hours exploring some new roads. It was great to meet up with you guys. I'll watch the board & ride with some you againn soon, I hope. The Old Guy.
  9. Hinds Sucks, I was in there a few times looking for a new bike when I got the 'Busa and they won't even try to sell you a bike. I ended up buying my 'Busa a Mid-Ohio in Mt. Vernon. They are a good place to deal with.
  10. That is about the closest nice roads to me. My favorite route is some backroads over to Danville, then 514 to 520 & 60 south to 36. Nice roads throughout that whole area.
  11. That sucks! Theives are about as low as a person can get. You work hard to get a bike & some low life steals it, F%#*ing BullShit. That is the good thing about living in BFE, I don't even lock my truck at night.
  12. If I show up at Iron Pony is anybody going to be there for this ride or not? I'm new to the board & I'm looking for someone to ride with.
  13. I'm new to the board, I'm going to try & make this ride. If you guys see someone on a 2006 grey & black Busa hanging around that will be me. Oh, by the way what the hell is wrong with 541? I like that road.
  14. Thanks to everyone that welcomed me. There are plenty of Twisties in Ohio you just have to know where they are. I rode from house down to Pomeroy today, I hit plenty of nice twisties.
  15. Sounds like a cool place to check out.
  16. Hi, I'm new to this site but not a new rider. I've been riding since I was 13, 35 years ago. I learned how to ride on a dirt bike. Didn't ride from 1980 till 1991. Got in to street riding in '91. Had a Yamaha Seca 2 for about 5 years, traded that for '97 Suzuki Bandit 1200 S. Last March I traded the Bandit for a new 2006 black & gunmetal Suzuki Hayabusa. I like riding the twisties in Ohio. I make a couple of trips a year to the Dragon area.Live in the flatlands about 10 miles east of Marion and about 20 southwest of Mid-Ohio. My name is Kent. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
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