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Everything posted by kenny

  1. omg worst personal foul ever called
  2. a + c = fuck playmates in the ass
  3. when these two guys post bad jokes in one thread jesus stops secksing an angel mid hump and sheds a single tear
  4. 1 piece bread 1 piece fried bologna salsa ??? win
  5. i are making soups and eating cookies due to this thread and watching mnf
  6. i want a fucking toastata
  7. fix me some sammiches http://i34.tinypic.com/2lnfe46.jpg
  8. pics of you? pics of your life?
  9. wheelz be off to get new rubber in the next day or two
  10. I'm more of a pee in her eyes type of guy.
  11. Dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun
  12. The sliders were on it when I bought it... when I crash I do it big time so the slider won't save it anyway. ... and they're the Vortex ones that only require you to cut the right side.
  13. Shocking. With that, I'm out.
  14. You dodge simple questions. Yes or no?
  15. Pays good, but not enough. If it doesn't pick up in the next 6 months or so I think I'm going to be looking for something better. Shit, I've already been looking... I just need to use my discounts before hand.
  16. I'm pretty much the king of it, and you're the king of backtracking. Going to answer my question or dance around in circles?
  17. That's rather ironic coming from the guy that just claimed to know what I do for a living.
  18. I wouldn't hang out with you if I were paid. Answer mine since you know oh so much about me.
  19. Do you even have an engineering degree?
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