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Everything posted by kenny

  1. If you don't come back with BUTTSLAM you're bant.
  2. They should say "Where 90% of the time 1000whp gets you 12s.".
  3. Anyone that would pay that much to fuck that chick is a sad, sad mother fucker.
  4. Who is this drift faggot and why does he suck so much cock?
  5. Sounds like a good deal. I'm leaving around 4:30am tonight/tomorrow.
  6. CET up in this mother fucker. God I don't miss that place.
  7. To me it seems to be a voltage/grounding problem. As long as you've got a better ground than stock I wouldn't worry about it (ie: more than the wiring that goes into the tank, an external ground from the tank to the frame). Or at least that's what I'm telling myself until mine fails.
  8. I just hope I can watch a race next season not already knowing the finishing order of each class prior to the race.
  9. Most of it started around May, but I have no idea on manufactured date for the pumps. Most of the people that have been having issues have had them die in a matter of months, or less. I've ran Walbros in everything I've ever had and never had a problem, so who knows. I haven't fully read the thread as I don't really want to know if the pump I just installed is going to give me nightmares or not. Most of the pumps in question are 340s. Edit: Also, a few people seem to think the problem is a grounding issue. Racetronix and other vendors recommend a ground strap from the tank to the frame. I haven't seen anything whether or not the people having failures have done this or not. Just food for thought.
  10. Odd. Shit too big or something? Regardless, she should put her try pants back on and keep riding. Everyone falls off at some point.
  11. I don't even have a car. I'm so broke I just put things in my sig hoping someone will like me on the intarnets.
  12. no dude, that's weight reduction
  13. My bad, I should have started my own over/under thread for that one. Back on topic - turbocharged LSx motors ftmfw.
  14. Have your mother buy me one and I'll be glad to better you with it. 10mph?
  15. I'm in the same boat I bought one from there a few months ago. The new ones are the ones that have been failing. Keep an eye on it.
  16. Buick guys have been lifting heads so often running Cometics now that someone has made a head clamp kit. What fuel pump is in it? There have been a LOT of Walbro failures as of late.
  17. http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2008/Sep/080910ussb.htm No NASCAR, you can't ruin superbike racing in the US.
  18. Fans don't have much of a current draw, neither do LEDs. I'd find the old PSU and see if it takes care of the problem before going any further. Check the easy stuff first.
  19. PSU = power supply. Look at where the power cord plugs into the back of the computer, it will have a black switch with a 1 and a 0... flip it to 0 and wait like 10 seconds, then turn it back to 1. Sometimes power supplies are odd and like to have that done. Power supplies also fail far more often than motherboards, so before you waste a lot of effort confirm the power supply actually works.
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