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Everything posted by kenny

  1. I can fuck Best Buy, but I can't unfuck you.
  2. How can you say 1.6 is better when you just said you haven't played CS:S?
  3. Auto climate control, that's seriously what makes or breaks it for you? You can't turn a knob if you get too hot/cold? Sirius Radio - wow, that's complex to install. You act as if the STi dash is something to write home about. A factory installed boost gauge is mounted on the steering column, wow, that's ballerific. If you're this worried about what an interior looks like you probably should have bought a luxury car and not a car intended to be modified. This is a moot point anyway considering it's an opinion, IMO they're both pretty basic interiors and do what they need to do. Good steering wheel, good seats. I'm not looking at the gauge cluster and if they're that bad I'll install my own. In short your arguement is: waa, I don't have auto climate control. Take off your womens underwear and put your man pants back on. Ask him how many spare axles he has and how many times he's replaced them. If you're going to tell me having a turbocharged AWD car makes you exempt from being stuck in traffic you're huffing some serious meth. Do I pass on the berm? No, I get fucked far too often by our local tax collectors with guns to try that, the last thing I need is another run in with them. What's that have to do with Evo's, anyway? I'm pretty sure this is a car enthusiast forum, no? Who buys an Evo or STi to leave stock? No one in their right mind, that's for damn sure. If you want a stock daily driver you should be looking at a car like a Honda Civic or hell, anything from Subaru that isn't turbocharged. Turbo cars in general are not ideal for daily driving. Do we do it anyway? Sure. The question is one car, that will be your daily driver, and your fun car, which do you buy? Evo. Goes faster, costs less, easier to fix, cheaper parts, everything is is basically identical. The Evo is better where it counts, period. But you are the guy that buys Apple products because they look cute and cost more, so I guess that makes total sense. Why is it that any time I make a post making valid points the fall back for the person arguing with me is to make a LC2 comment. This shit happens in damn near every thread. Why? I know more about most cars than the majority of the people that post here. Two of my good friends own two of the cars in question, I've had plenty of experience with both. Shit, I just helped one of them drop the transmission out of his to replace a throw out bearing and clutch. Again, I like the STi, it just gets the shit stomped out of it by an equally modded Evo with less cash. The name of my game is going fast, not looking cute.
  4. kenny

    More Snow.

    4x4 only lane wouldn't solve a damn thing. The majority of this country bought into the SUV trend so most of the crap on the road these days IS 4x4, they still drive slow as crap, in the fast lane. The amount of SUVs you see sitting in a ditch on a straight road is mind blowing.
  5. This is my dream AWD turbo monster http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Ford_RS200.jpg fap to maximum
  6. It looks like that because that was the end of the match, I don't remember if I have the video of that ownage saved or not (I made it because someone said during the round I was hax0ring). Really doubt I'll get around to it anytime soon. Though, my desktop does have all my media on it and my PS3 works well for that...
  7. When I use the word cunt, I'm not talking about females, I'm talking about everyone that acts like a bitch and drives 30mph in my way. I guess I should have been more clear.
  8. I've heard that before, sweet tits. http://www.wtfhost.com//files/44/hl2ismybitch.jpg
  9. I'd fucking destroy any of you noobs at CS. 1.6 sucks cock, if you're going to play an old version, play when the game was fun; Beta 5.2. Game went downhill from there. Weapons got less accurate and way overpowered so people just spray and you die in one random, non aimed shot. I haven't played in probably a year, maybe more. I switched to HL2: DM but after being banned from every server I enjoyed for "cheating" (read: I'm better than them so I cheat) I quit playing. I need to buy a desk so I can frag the shit out of some people again, but since I just bought a PS3 I doubt I'll be doing that anytime soon. Unless HL2: EP3 finally comes out, that is.
  10. Meanwhile you've got cars three wide in front of you going 30mph. In front of them there is nothing but open, clean, snow covered highway. Half of your brain is thinking "I can clear them on the berm". The other half is thinking "it would be just my luck, I'd do that, and I'd get pulled over by some sucker cop". Which then brings you to the logic "fuck that cop, he can't catch me in this shit". I'll let you figure out the rest of how that works.
  11. And seriously, if you have spyware/virus problems using a PC based box - you shouldn't be allowed to breath. I don't use ANY anti-spyware/virus software. No problems. Well, except the one or two times some asshole decides to embed some shit in an illegally downloaded piece of software, but that's part of the game.
  12. I'm going to write a devastating virus for Mac OS just to spite you. It's not like my work day isn't 100% free time.
  13. The only thing cops are good at is writing tickets and sucking cock. That was neither, hence the fail.
  14. The snow was obviously intimidated by such a masculine piece of automotive secksietime and melted within seconds.
  15. kenny

    2009 Movies

    Every movie you listed sounds like horrid shit.
  16. It's been delayed what, two years now or longer? You can't be shocked, especially with a congress and president sponsored by feeeeeeelings.
  17. Serious question, since I never have, and never will set foot in an iStore (or whatever the gay Apple store is called) - do they run the registers off a Windows based box? If not, what do they use, and if it's Apple based did they really write software just for that? I would assume it's Linux if it isn't Windows.
  18. Should be called iDock since they're e-rubbing the tips of their trendy dicks together.
  19. I want a plow just to ram people with.
  20. What isn't reliable about an Evo? Nicer on the inside? The interiors are practically identical. The Evo has a stronger motor, gear box, transfer case, is easier to work on and is cheaper to buy. Don't get me wrong, I like the STi, but it doesn't stand a chance vs. the Evo. Driving an Evo/STi/DSM to work today would have put me in an even worse mood. You forget that I used to own a 1G? Days like today were the worst driving it. 30mph, brake, clutch in, rinse, repeat.
  21. kenny

    More Snow.

    God we need to increase the difficulty of getting a drivers license.
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