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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Guy that went by flyinbryan here has one. Think he's in the DC area now.
  2. Reminds me of the time hanging out with some CR people when some toolbox on a Harley got all throttle happy trying to show off. He's revving the shit out of the bike, lets go of the clutch, it shoots towards a curb, he dumps it and fucks his face all up. All because he was showing off before riding it 15 feet to get a Mt. Dew.
  3. There is one of those that still flies. There was another that even pre-dates that one, too.
  4. I wondered if anyone saw that. There are still tons of threads with horse cock.
  5. That sounds like a deal if it's only plastics.
  6. Kirk is about to get cock pics all up in his emailz.
  7. Is it a rule that there has to be a new retarded thread that makes negative cents posted weekly? This shit gets dumber and dumber.
  8. Yeah, they were reviewing them for Fast Times Magazine. Shakey still races - he won one of the classes in British Superbike this year, has a ride next year in WSBK, not sure about Frost.
  9. 9:55 isn't shit, the folding of the mirror with his shoulder then "moving on to something safter, like the 3rd gear one leg off blind over the hill in the wrong lane wheelie contest" owns. Or them rear ending each other and making jokes about it. Crazy fucks.
  10. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=4079626 Watch that one. Bunch of pro and ex pro riders. At least one raced in GP class and is currently racing WSBK. Fucking. Retarded.
  11. I'd be a little heated if a car got that close to me. All of them are idiots, especially the guy that's riding two up. Cool vid, none the less. And for the record, it only looked like the GT3 was keeping up when they weren't on it, or slowing for traffic. The GT3 should carry much higher corner speed though due to the credit card sized traction of a bike. Towards the end of the video they break free and check out on the GT3.
  12. Seems to be quite popular in the G-Body world.
  13. Luck-eee. There are only two of us here and the other guy is crying that his stomach hurts. I might get stuck here alone, sweeeeeet.
  14. I lost mine for a good week in a friends car. I might have been drinking. About the day I was going to replace all the IDs in it, my friend calls saying he found it.
  15. Pissing on the imac is probably the smartest thing he could ever do.
  16. The best piece of advice you can get is to ride like you're invisible at all times. No one pays attention to motorcycles. They treat them as cars. Cover your ass.
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