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Everything posted by kenny

  1. You build my style of cars. All around fast cars with a purpose ftw.
  2. That is fucking awesome. One of these days I'm builing a C10 with either a Duramax or a Cummins.
  3. 40 vs. ~2,740,000 I think your math is flawed.
  4. You should invest in a damper.
  5. They're this stupid and the police couldn't catch them. Sweeeeet.
  6. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/roflwerd.gif
  7. You always come up with the gayest links possible.
  8. kenny

    food poisening

    Drink Powerade instead. Fuck Gatorade for making me watch that horrid G commercial 20394823094 times.
  9. 22 hits, jesus christ, that dude was a beast
  10. I want to make hot man secks to both of your Mustangs. Bonus points if you put a 2.3L in the 66.
  11. kenny


    I'm dying over here.
  12. you mad dumb son it is a .22 on crack, it's a .22 mag with a smaller neck
  13. kenny

    food poisening

    It's made by Germans.
  14. kenny

    food poisening

    It's because you're a pussy.
  15. Scratch that. Kawi is out. http://www.motorfreaks.nl/sportnieuws/kawasaki-vertrekt-definitief-uit-m
  16. They're probably tape covered.
  17. lulz, didn't even see it we rule sir
  18. It's only gay if the balls touch.
  19. Everything is better when it's free.
  20. I want it to snow already. Winter without snow is lame sauce.
  21. Bet he's buying a blanket now.
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