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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Last I saw him he was hammered drunk leaning against a door of a BW3 and when said door was tapped on nicely, he acted a fool, and said door got shoved. Then we realized it was him, and lulz all the rest of the night.
  2. Smoke and mirrors? So the three bowl games in a row we've lost were all hoaxes? Thank god. For a few years there, I was worried.
  3. Bad Santa > *.xmas movies Fuck me Santa, fuck me Santa, fuck me Santa.
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=53&pictureid=326 You will be missed.
  5. That pic makes me want chicken wings.
  6. When he's on his game, he's a beast (see: Boilermakers at home at night). Otherwise, he's a champion pick thrower. Pryor is almost the same way, but he seems more accurate to me. Definitely needs to work on the deep ball, though. Had a weak game last night, that's for sure.
  7. If Tressel would throw the ball on something other than 3rd and longs he might actually work up some confidence. He can scramble, he just needs to learn to throw down field. I think he can do as well as Vince Young, if not better. I know this has nothing relevant to add to this thread, but on the flip side, look at Beockman. Takes a few steps back in the pocket and stands there waiting to take a hit like a deer in headlights.
  8. I ride to get away from my phone.
  9. Fresh meat, this was his first year. Straight out of high school.
  10. Do us all a favor and look up the definition of irony.
  11. The only chance of that happening is if we change our offensive style. Which isn't going to happen with Tressel there.
  12. http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i2/ksp113/FOX%20Sports%20Blog%20Images/Haterade.gif
  13. It doesn't have a cage if that gives you any idea.
  14. Because you need a useable power band to make it around a race track.
  15. Set it apart from the rest? Find me another Thruxton with a 120 front and a 180 rear. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/slap.gif black > chrome Chrome is for Harley guys, it's their motto "If it doesn't go fast, chrome it."
  16. http://www.mediafire.com/?71ynjmmgiuj A Twist of the Wrist II Highly recommend reading that.
  17. Yes, read it. It is basic knowledge, but unless you've been riding for a while it probably isn't basic knowledge to you. There is one question on there that doesn't make sense, it asks how to avoid something and the answers they list aren't the correct one. Of course, they could have changed that one by now.
  18. kenny

    OSU vs. Texas

    One last note: Thanks Fox for smearing your corporate feces all over the game. First down? Fuck it. Commercial. Oh, you've seen this commercial already twenty times in the last 5min? Fuck it. Watch it again. Though, I really enjoyed the Tostitos commercial. I could watch that a million times. Want. To. Touch.
  19. kenny

    OSU vs. Texas

    Looks like I have a lot of reading to do. I'll sum this up quickly: 1st play of the game, what the FUCK are you doing showing you intend to use both QBs? Thanks Big East refs for giving 7 free points away. That didn't effect the outcome of the game or anything. The BS call directly after that causing them to kick a PAT from 10 yard further back totally made up for it. 3rd quarter: Tressel and Heacock - what the fuck is wrong with you? Did we even get a first down? Is hurry up offense really that hard to defend against? Man to man. Say it with me now. Man to man. Do not run zone. See how they're picking you apart every play with zone? Stop that shit. 4th quarter: hole-lee-shit, you actually called a single option play and it worked. Imagine that. No worries though, just do it once, then go back to up the middle bullshit and putting Beockman in to throw deep, that isn't predictable, at all. God it sickens me to see a squad that is clearly better than Texas lose due to inept play calling and horrid defensive decisions. Fail. Fucking fail.
  20. kenny

    OSU vs. Texas

    See you on the flipside sir. Lets do this shit, bitches.
  21. kenny

    OSU vs. Texas

    Game time question: Does Kenny were the OSU shirt he has worn throughout this season and last, and for both bowl games. Or does Kenny not wear said OSU shirt. Personally, I'm not into that shit, but I figured I'd ask.
  22. your occupation should say fale specialist <3
  23. last time I wrote NT at trails it was still on the other dudes slip good thing he was a nobody
  24. until the person you're racing narcs
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