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Everything posted by kenny

  1. When riding, I like to talk to myself. Not your normal small talk, either. Full on, psychotic conversations about whatever is in my range of vision. It's glorious and none of you will ever hear it.
  2. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    That almost pick reeked of Ryan Hamby.
  3. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    lulz Sucks Utah decided to let Bama score a FG. I totally thought they were going to miss that.
  4. A modern sport bike just isn't very forgiving. When you get into trouble (and as a noob, you will), the chances of hitting the pavement with a bad (read: rookie) move are greatly higher than if you were on a smaller, easier to flick around bike. Again I'm going to suggest reading Twist of the Wrist, and whatever your decision is, always check your throttle hand. Snapping it will result in pain. Look up the definition of a high side. As for riding solo vs. in groups, depends on how you look at it. It's safer in the fact that if shit goes down (ie: you) you've got someone around that will help. The cons of being in a group, think back to when you were a kid riding pedal bikes with friends. Remember all the stupid shit you did in groups? Expect to do all that stupid shit, with higher probability of getting hurt at higher speeds. One rule of thumb to follow in a group: ride at your own pace, especially as a noobie. With all that said - get a bike already, they're a fucking blast.
  5. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    False start on a 3rd and 1 turns into 3rd and 7... wtf math Followed by a HUGE sack. The only way this game could be better is if I were sitting at a bar with this douche kid I had a "conversation" with a while ago. Said douche was boasting about how awesome Bama is, and that they had more Heisman winners than OSU. After I stopped laughing, I stated that OSU was currently tied for first in all time Heisman winners, along with USC and ND. Of course I went on to Archie, that secksy beast. Which brought me to a question, just how many Heismans has Bama won? Zero. That's right folks, zero.
  6. I convinced some wannabe thug to buy one over a Desert Eagle. I wish I could have seen the first shot.
  7. He's like the herp, just keeps showing back up unwanted.
  8. kenny

    We need...

    Track days are where it's at. Relaxed tech, no 20 second ricers dragging water out of the waterbox, etc.
  9. kenny

    We need...

    I can show you with the rear end of an El Camino looks like again. <3
  10. kenny


    At least someone gets it.
  11. kenny


    Like $470 I think.
  12. kenny


    You can prepay, I may do it again this year.
  13. Don't let the balls touch. It's only gay if the balls touch. Also, it's only rape if you spit on him.
  14. kenny


    That's why you drink them there...
  15. kenny


    We've got a problem solver, folks.
  16. kenny


    All kinds of beer, worldwide. It rocks.
  17. Fuck the 70s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl9m-NC0VGE
  18. kenny


    Negative. Though, I have. Drank every beer on their list (100 beers). You have a year to do it, only took me like four months though.
  19. kenny


    and you call yourself a beer drinker for shame Kevin R, for shame http://www.winkinglizard.com/data/content/beer_tour.asp
  20. Werd. I thought I was off, after reading this shit it makes me feel quite a bit better about myself.
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