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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Don't be a pussy, everyones doing it.
  2. Looks like you're taking anal.
  3. Been there, electrical fire due to shitty PSU ftl.
  4. kenny


    Beer Quote of the Month "Beer, it's the best damn drink in the world!" -Jack Nicholson 2008 World Tour Finishers Columbus-Bethel Road Tour Finishers: Greg Berton, Shannon Moore, Meg Gordon,Michael L Weas, Mike Greer, laura Danipace, Susie Leslie, Kyle Hamm, Jason Wheeler, Scott Wirrig, Lloyd Sowards, Kenny Adams, Melissa Wheeler, Shawn Temple, Ben Porter, David Bobco, Dan Forsythe, Benjamin Lay, Tim Hurley, Peter Shore, Jeff Jordan, Matt Thorn, Brian Kirkland, Nate Levin, Alyssa Rice, Aaron Faires, Marcia Killilea, Tom Lane, and Joshua Griffis.
  5. Change was just elected, asshat, don't you read the paper?
  6. I read about it and it sounded like it would get all gay half way through. I guess I'll give it a shot.
  7. Chris, I was with you until the Michigan comment. I don't think Dick Rod will do anything special with them, but only time will tell. In part, I hope you're right, because I agree - Big Ten football now is boring, and needs to step it up. This isn't the old days, and you're right, it isn't a gentlemen's game. This is football, run that ball down their fucking throat. On the other hand, I hope you're terribly wrong because I can't express my hatred for Michigan in words. PS: I fucking love college football.
  8. You might want to do some reading as well, I'd suggest Twist of the Wrist. I have it in .pdf format but it's on my desktop that is currently at my parents, not setup. As a final note - SV650s look cool as fuck when you mod them correctly. Gixxer fronts are a bolt on mod, upgrade the rear shock and you've got a damn fun bike for cheap, that's more forgiving than a sport bike, and almost as fast.
  9. You'll become a better rider faster if you start on something smaller. You can start on a full out sport bike, but typically it will take you longer to become faster. No one is going to make this decision other than you. At 18 I had an 11 second car so I can't say anything about being too young for fast crap, it's all in your head. Again, you will learn faster, and better technique on a smaller bike, then once you upgrade to a full out sport bike you will be a much better rider because of it. I'd look for a SV650 or an EX500. Both can be had for cheap, and their resale value will be the same.
  10. Ugh. Fucking spare me. Tressel is the reason they lose games. You can't come into a game with the other coach knowing your plan for EVERY drive and expect to do well. Not to mention Tressel won't change his game plan no matter what, making it even easier to run all over us. I'm not saying he needs fired, but he needs an eye opener that his run run pass offense isn't going to cut it. It worked in 2002, it won't work now.
  11. Should we place bets on Mac "Herpes" Brown having herp sores on his lip again this year?
  12. kenny

    Cr has

    Only if you build me a BLT, like, right now.
  13. What Hoblick said about insurance is also true. With 4pts on your license you're going to pay out the ass. When I first got into riding one company (Gay Farm) wanted more a year to insure me than the bike cost new.
  14. kenny

    Cr has

    I just choke slammed your girl, player.
  15. Reselling a beater bike is as easy as buying one. You won't lose money. By that logic you should buy a 500cc two stroke GP bike, no worries, you'll be fine. Why would you want something forgiving? Do not wear heavy boots. Buy riding boots, they're light and designed to take a hit. I'm a fan of Sidi's due to comfort, A* makes some good ones as well. I currently have a pair of Sidi B2s. If you do decided to buy a sport bike as a first bike without listening to what I said, just always listen to that little voice in your head that says "don't do that shit player, that will hurt".
  16. kenny

    Cr has

    Kenny doesn't have time for your feelings.
  17. kenny

    Cr has

    No work tomorrow. Sounds like I'm working on the car/truck thing tonight so I doubt I'll be at the freakshow. I was one person off winning a trip to Vegas there on NYE.
  18. kenny

    Cr has

    I have no game, but I can drink like a champ.
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