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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny

    price check

    There is one on Gun Broker right now with a buy it now of $950. Personally I think that is incredibly high. Those are known to be rather high quality for being stamped receivers, the problem is the receiver is cut so traditional AK-47 style stocks don't work. That is a turn off to most people, dropping the value. I THINK it should have a chromed bore and bolt carrier, but I could be wrong. It's been a while. IMO ~$300-400. Though it has been a while so I could be totally off.
  2. Probably nothing. I work at 7am on new years day, so what's the point of going out until 12:30? It's rookie night anyway.
  3. kenny

    price check

    Milled or stamped? Under folder or non? Need more info. There are multiple different styles when it comes to a Mac 90.
  4. Oh right, I totally didn't notice the Z.
  5. Your fear shows through your fingertips.
  6. Looks like I've got something to do when I drop my post work dooty.
  7. Who did the seats? I'd like to do that to the car/truck/Buick thing.
  8. It has come a long way. Well played newbie, well played.
  9. wat Who cares what size the compressor is, they make this magical thing called a hose.
  10. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/72588 That leaves 17 bikes.
  11. If I zoom in far enough I can see two or there pixels that resemble a car.
  12. How much do you want for the injectors? I'm assuming they're Motron 60s? I only really need 6, though. But I guess two spares wouldn't hurt.
  13. I'd cut my dick off with a butter knife before I put a B18 in anything.
  14. I'll let you drive the Regal when it doesn't have a steering wheel, brakes, motor, transmission or axle.
  15. This guy is right. No bullshit.
  16. After my car was stolen State Farm wanted $400/month to insure my rusty 1G POS Talon. In three months I'd have more in insurance than I had in the car. I can only imagine how hard they will try to fuck Linn.
  17. I have just learned so much about females.
  18. Guys, I just filled my coolant system with water, do you think it will freeze? I'm going to wait until it's -6 out and try to start it. It won't freeze, right?
  19. Well rounded power? Handling? Compared to what, a Geo Metro?
  20. Has to be something like Windows, or some other OS boot disk. You can make one, but since your drive is broke it doesn't sound like you have that option.
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