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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Since there are no females in the office right now, that would be homo gangster.
  2. Said hoopty is going to open a proverbial can on your busted ass Audi.
  3. Ditto Double time and a half is solid, though. That makes like a solid week of double time and a half pay. I'm hood rich, bitches.
  4. kenny

    Who's car?

    and my sig has 666 number of the beast in it
  5. It's like getting paid, but slightly more gangster.
  6. kenny

    Really guys?

    Go away, beatin'.
  7. I'm at work getting pait.
  8. Re-read that, come back when you comprehend.
  9. Pic reminds me of burnouts behind Rigsby/Folwer/Gains/Bates old joint.
  10. kenny

    I Sold My Car! :(

    It looks a little something like this http://media.putfile.com/r-sizzle Said rider may or may not have been fucking around giving them the jump. I wouldn't know anything about that.
  11. kenny

    Who's car?

    I meant it in more of a metaphorical sense. He acts like a bitch.
  12. kenny

    Who's car?

    Possibly Bob, as in, Bob has bitch tits.
  13. http://msp153.photobucket.com/albums/s238/bradly2795/lol_wut.jpg
  14. kenny

    Who's car?

    You're so tight with him you can just add an extra b to his last name? Wild.
  15. kenny

    Who's car?

    Mac doesn't come correct when posting sarcasm, son.
  16. kenny

    I Sold My Car! :(

    40 roll. Bring money. Lots of it. Fuck we can do it in the cold for the right amount. Aint scurred.
  17. kenny

    Who's car?

    I just remember the wheel cover from the one time I saw the car at the track.
  18. kenny

    Who's car?

    The steering wheel didn't give that away?
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