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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Yeah I expected flaming from this thread eventually and but I do agree, hince the name of the thread. It was a stupid move on both our parts for sure. And I do realize how lucky I am.
  2. yeah he said it was pretty clean but apparently not clean enough
  3. i have a few.... rage against the machine kick out the jams a7x lost aerosmith dream on Zeplin stairway to heaven anberlin paper thin hymn and a ringtone i made myself on garage band:D
  4. her ya guys go http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=18735
  5. ok so this was discussed in another thread and it was to long and random to post in a single thread and i didnt want to thread jack myself so here it is. ok so here goes... a good friend of mine and i go hunting. we both find our tree stands and its all going good, until brewer( the good friend of mine) decides he wants to climb the home made "tree stand" which consist of a 10' old school 1970's t.v. antenna with a homemade wooden box on top of it. my guess is that the wooden box was supposed to be meant for some kind of seat:dunno:and for further reference he chose this "tree stand" over the tree stand with an overhang padded seat and a ladder that is fully capable of supporting his 230# mass. so brewer gets to the top rung of he antenna and the strap that is supporting the top end snaps! he is wiggling around trying to grab onto something before he falls uncontrolably 10" to the ground. he decides that the only way he is going to walk away from the situation is if he drops the gun and gives the tree a good ole' classic bear hug and then proceed to shimmy his way down the tree. which works out really good for him but not so much for the gun... it ends up barrel down about 6 inches in the snow soaked ground. after all this goes down he decides that it would be best for him to revert to the original plan and use the more suitable tree stand less than 20 yards away..... the day goes on it gets dark we meet up on the trail and start our walk out of the woods. brewer explains everything that had happened and i laugh and explain to him that it would probably be best for him to go home and clean out everything before he actually uses the gun again. he agrees and informed me that he took the barrel off while in the tree stand and rammed a stick through it in an attempt to clean out everything and the only way he was planning on shooting anything is if he had spotted a deer. but as we are walking out of the woods i decide it would be down right funny to take a shot right behind him in an attempt to make him crap himself, but what ended up happening was totally not to plan. brewer gets pissed and takes a random shot at the hill next to us that i had taken a shot at, but the mud that he had supposedly clean out of the barrel prior to taking the shot hinders the lead slug from exiting the barrel properly. the built up pressure created a hole in the side of the barrel shooting lead shrapnel to the left and out of the end of the barrel itself. (see diagram) so moral of the story never plan on scaring the crap out of someone unless you are prepared to crap yourself as well. oh and pics of the barrel. oh and pics of the barrel.
  6. involved me, a friend of mine, a dirt filled barrel, and shrapnel.... good times i will have to post pics soon i guess but i am going to sleep now.
  7. im trying.... but trackbike comes before cafe bike.
  8. ... yeah thats the same issue i am having....
  9. this is true.... i am about sick of hunting this season for some reason, and i almost died once....
  10. ooo!!!! ooo!!! i want "talent" with my bike
  11. hopefully that helps you out a bit. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=18028
  12. its all good i understand:D
  13. e-flores


    i will be in the woods somewhere.... last two days of gun season:badgerrock:
  14. or you can just buy my honda danielle:D you know you want it.
  15. i dont know about you guys but i just poop at work..... i guess everyone here can be classified as the group that takes the newspaper or magazine to the bathroom with them?
  16. :eek:you didnt even have to mention the tires all you had to say was turn ten on an old f3
  17. whodey posted something up on 600rr.net
  18. not really, the most amount of r&d comes from motogp and i am sure they will be asking for info from the non supported teams. that and they still have wsbk and superbike races like the eight hours that will give them some nice r&d info as well.
  19. it was mentioned in one of the music threads that got deleted by the crash....
  20. bush actually dodged the shoes!!! amazing
  21. i love pandora!!! pandora+iphone=pure amazingness!!!
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