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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. glad i wasnt the only one thinking that!!!
  2. id be up for chilling a tux and helmet during a whole ceremony.....
  3. Another one for the Casper arsenal!!!
  4. sometimes I wonder why I waste so much time on ohioriders, but it's threads like these that remind me why I am here
  5. this is what you get for living in hillbilly hell(aka middletown OH)
  6. ahha... that would make sense. just create a false storefront and your good to go
  7. a store would be pimp! i think it would be easy to get the word out since you already are in contact with hundreds of bikers that always need stuff... and drop shipping would be fairly uncomplicated, but maintaining a store, even if it were online, would be a big hassle
  8. e-flores


    Thanks for the advice. I have never thought of that one, but lucky I don't have any incondecents in the garage. But from now on I will steer clear of them.
  9. really im impressed kawi.
  10. he stopped posting in like august or around there somewhere, and he still was the highest poster of the year....
  11. jarvis, i live like 5 minutes from your house and i will be tracking as much as i can this year. i will probably be trucking but the truck bed is big enough for two bikes so just give me a shout if you need a lift to the track mang!!!
  12. i didnt get that either??? i have never been on a ride where 20 riders are all bunched up like that. and especially not on a 10/22 ride.
  13. i know i had to, we were behind a tractor going 15mph and you were right behind me, i felt obligated. but now you are going to look for them every time you blow past there and you will not be able to resist. trust me!
  14. Ponies!!! They made it in the first video!
  15. i am having a hard time finding pics, but i am like 90% sure they rocked pinstriped suits for a couple races last year. and to make things better i cant find any for sale either.
  16. now that would match whodeys baller status. and for real, i am pretty sure the ama hrc guys did have pinstriped suits this season. i will try to find pics.
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