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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. i knew they produced terrible gas but i really didnt know how bad. and i not only had to go to school i have to pay for it as well.
  2. yeah just imagine the distruction you could cause with a fuly auto grenade launcher:rolleyes:
  3. speedway sells bp fuel..... and yeah it sucks, i have only learned one thing in geology class this year. and that is bp produces the worst gas on this planet. im not kidding either.
  4. i would be the idiot out in front with the shotgun blowing blood and guts everywhere, but that just me. you go ahead and have fun covering me from a distance.
  5. thats what i like to hear im going to sell you a demolished bike for more than the last owner paid for it when it was in working condition. good idea guys.
  6. ??? they make a round like that for my .22 mag. very good for taking out little birds but expensive. i only bought 1 box but it was fun while it lasted.
  7. what are you going to be shooting it out of a s&w 500? cuz thats the only pistol i can think of that you could shoot buckshot out of.
  8. mellow has one too:dj: i have to admit i was kinda jealous the first time i saw it.
  9. yeah im pretty sure a 3" copper expandable slug to the head would do the trick, but i dont know if $16 for a box of five would be worth it.
  10. for some reason i completely forgot about the arcade... thanks for reminding me so i can waste more time at work
  11. nice find whodey it made me smile. but indefinite suspension???? c'mon you will let guys get into fist fights but not let them talk crap about their ex?
  12. they will only have one layout done by spring so yeah..... they are planning on adding on to the track later though.
  13. no not really.... the thing looks like it can actually handle, i need to find those pics....
  14. i kinda came into this thread a little late but i swear to you guys i saw a picture of some guy draggin knee through a corner on one of these is a magazine, and it had a leo vince system on it:eek: i almost crapped my pants when i saw it.
  15. my god i was thinking the same thing:lol: i have a feeling he will be around for a while:D
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