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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. i know some decent roads to take on the way home from sydney and wapak, so we can stay on backroads all the way home from sydney to rt.4 til 75 on the way home as well nick.
  2. sounds good, it will probably have to be next saturday. i will request off work. what happend man?
  3. alright no more making fun of the 14 i swear, are we heading down there sunday? or are you guys going to stay local? and i think i am going to head up sun. night to the c-bus, and jerm is staying with someone as well so you will have some people to ride home with.
  4. i thought you bought the short bus so you could ride for more than 3 hours?
  5. true true, even if yoou had my address you would be like aw heeaaal naw!!!
  6. wheres my door to door service? am i not good enough?
  7. yep, you need to let your pressance know. and welcome to the board
  8. no sounds like you are speaking from experience
  9. someone posted these at work a while ago and I am pretty sure I pissed myself I was laughing so hard. favorites: Staying out of sight, small horse, and I bumped the coffe table
  10. are you talking about the one at c/a? the one that looked crappy anyway.
  11. I want two white ones, I should be in the c-bus Monday for the momorial day ride could you have them then?
  12. Oooo you went grafiti on us very nice I have to say the first one that I saw in person the stickers looked like crap!!!! But I went to a different dealership and looked at a different one and you couldn't even tell they were stickers? I dont know what it was. Congrats!!! All these people buying 08's is getting to me
  13. nevermind I just read under your avatar. I want pictures!!!!!
  14. cbrgirl are the rumors that you ended up with an 08 600rr true?
  15. he did a good job of showing what the bike looks like in person. If you havent seen one in person you are really missing out.
  16. true i wouldnt buy another 600 unless it would be a trackbike, but if we are talking street definatelly the new 1000rr, gorgeous bikes, super light weight, and a crap load of power!!! and you do realize that thing is only 19lbs. heavier than the 06 600rr. i think that was my favorite part.
  17. i so want to sell my 600 for the new 1000 but i cant bring myself to it. i almost have it paid off and i am going back to school full time in the fall and living on campus so anymoney iearn is going to go to school, so i really cant afford it either. did you trade it in or sell it yourself?
  18. hahaha i have wanted to pull this one off for a while but i have yet to grow a pair big enough.
  19. holy crap fusion!!!! congrats on the new bike, and i skipped over the thread like 20 times today thinking you actually needed stickers not showing off the new 1000rr. i dont know what to say i am super jealous right now. congrats again and what happend to the 600 are you keeping it or selling it?
  20. sounds good nick! are you taking 71 or 75 down?
  21. I you guys are hitting up nky this sunday I may become sick and call off work just let me know and I will meet you guys wherever.
  22. lizard you are a wise man, that is the best piece of advise you can give a racer. Just go out and have fun try your best to win but have fun. Dont push yourself or the bike too hard you at just going to go slower, run at a good pace throughout the race and be as smooth and as cosistant as possible. Cissistancy is key, sure you can run a lap in the 24s but how many of them? I would much rather run 10 laps at 25.1 than one at 24.8 then some 25.3's, and maybe a 25.0, and if you mess up and have a sucky lap a 25.7. The cosistancy will also give you a better benchmark for all of your adjustments. If you change your suspension and you go out for practice and run 3 laps cosistantly at 24.8 or 24.9 then you know you have gotten somewhere. If you are runing 25.2, 25.1 and then somehow you pull a 24.7 how the hell are you supposed to know if it wasn't you getting better and not the bike? I dont know kinda went on rambling but that was the best piece of advice I got when I first started racing.
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