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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. e-flores

    The Flobots

    the only one of theirs i have heard has been handlebars. it is pretty good stuff. the first time i heard the song i thought it was retarded but after the 3rd or 4th time it grew on me.
  2. i was thinking the same thing, holy piss that like 8 hours of riding. but i may still be up for it.
  3. I dont know about Sunday, I have some stuff to do but I may be able to get out of it. I have been looking for something to do for Monday and this looks like it I will let you know about Sunday though.
  4. I could maybe make it to this one, you may have someone to ride up with jerm. I dont think I have anything to do, I was actually thinking northern ky ride but this will defenatelly do.
  5. yeah for some reason i had a problem uploading the pictures? i will see what i can do what i get home. and she will be missed, i am thinking about buying a cheapy trailer to haul the bike to the track though?
  6. so no more trailer for me. i sold it saturday and i am already missing it because i know how hard it is going to be when i want to do a trackday now or even take the go kart out for a nice race weekend. but on the other hand i never really used it enough to justify keeping it around and i am going to school full time again in the fall so i need the money. and when someone offers you $200-$400 more than you expected to get out of it i guess you cant complain? but here are some parting pictures.
  7. no membership required for mid-ohio trackdays, some of the other tracks do require one though. just select the day and the group you want to ride in, pay, show up at the registration garage on the day of the event they will ask for your name make you sign papers get teched and then if you are in novice, just be where they tell you to be and they will help you out with any questions or concerns. stt does an amazing job at running a trackday you will not be dissapointed.
  8. that sucks man!!! i know we all have mistaken the white for the checkered before but to exit on the wrong spot on the track and to not give anyone a warning he is leaving the track... i would be pissed. i hope everything heals alright and hopefully those pimpin red pumas held up well. heal up and get back on track.
  9. that was a good one. i still am going to have to say he is a moron for running on the track though.... he almost got hit twice!!! a close call, i he was smart he would have ran on the grass until he got to his bike. and i am still saying that that would be a dumb move. i would have just took the loss.
  10. i was going to post this the other day but forgot..... that was freaking amazing though.
  11. i dont know what to say...... i wonder if that guy had that as his lifetime goal?
  12. Hmmm.... I agree with you about competition accessories, they have nothing but half retarded people working in service. I have heard really good things and bad things about southside, the dealership in west carolton, and the same with the kawi dealership I think in Springfield? But I have had no personal experience with either one I am just going by what I have heard.
  13. so much for toe and ankle protection.....
  14. i hate to say this but some of those are pretty wicked
  15. alright, that what i was thinking. would it be worth building it up and tracking it?
  16. very nice! i love the copper/orange it beautiful.
  17. alright so they want $900 do you guys still think this is worth it? even if i want it i think i have to fight his brother for it.....
  18. i just saw this on yahoo news, purely astonishing. i cant imagine how terrible it would be to be in there situation.
  19. I saw a middle finger in my future. I should open my own psycic booth in downtown Dayton.
  20. finally i was wondering when you where going to stop crying.
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