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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. e-flores

    bow hunting

    yeah, i want the real trophy. hes a good 170... and i have a crappy pic to prove it
  2. e-flores

    bow hunting

    meh, i keep all my stuff as scent free as possible including all my bow gear, and im a non smoker. the last couple of years i have had a hard time finding a decent place to hunt on a normal basis. right now im working with a 5 acre piece of land that i claim pretty much as mine. ive been working with it last season and this, last year i was having a hard time keeping the deer around i knew they were there because i could see them in the neighboring lots but i was having a hard time pulling them out in the open. mostly it was hard to get them to feed in my area because they had plenty to eat everywhere else. but i knew they were there. but all last summer i tested and tested on foods to feed them and did some scouting around the area to find out how they moved around in the area and i learned a ton. and with all the proteins i pumped into them they have gotten quite a bit bigger this year still not able to get the one i want close enough to kill with a bow though. i have had a couple of good opportunities on does but ive been sitting and waiting on my big boy. the closest he's been to me is a little over 80 yards and that was when he was bedded down with a doe. he just laid there in the open for a good 30 minutes but hes around which is nice. if i dont see him soon though im going to claim a doe just for the sake of my first bow kill.
  3. I will not be able to make it... But wrillo have a good time nag good luck buddy!
  4. Yeah 200's are becoming more and more the go to tire for liter racebikes, like Brian stated earlier they are great for tracks where you spend a lot of time on the edges of the tires. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea for you to pick this set up and try them out on your 14, I think you will be more than impressed nick. You really can't beat $125 for a set of sticky rubber even though I know you hate the lopperz.
  5. that dunlop rear needs to be a 180 or 190 and the set would be sold. there is no way im slapping a 200 rear on a 600, and i doubt it will fit.
  6. i kid you not i was watching he news a couple of days ago and saw this. they said he turned himself in.....
  7. yeah the 458 is nasty!!! but it makes me feel good to know that a bike can more than hold its own against a supercar 6x the price of the bike. ahhh and any jap liter bike could pull around the same lap time as well.
  8. This is the beast I'm after, I've seen him twice this year and both times he's been far out of range.... This picture was taken through a set of bino's and my iPhone. I used se editing to get him as visible as possible. I will update when I take him out and there will be much clearer pics then And that's a gorgeous 7 you got there.
  9. im down if i dont pick up any gigs before then, but its Christmas time so im not really sure whats going to happen right now so i cant give a defined yes or no.
  10. classic!!! Not gunna lie I would have pissed myself....
  11. $129 for a smk!? Thats a beautiful, to bad ive already spent way too much money this weekend....
  12. just sick!!! i would die on that thing, but i would still have to ride it!!! seen this before and my jaw dropped, my jaw is dropping even more though seeing the chassis they used for this build, i got to hold one at the gp races in indy and i swear to you it weighed something like 7lbs....
  13. nope, the guy with the desmo race replica wins!!! its nice but will never match up to the desmo i was on track with at gingerman...
  14. true didnt think of that... but after six months of wear and tear at a metal shop its usually time for a new pair of headphones anyway.... hhhhrrrrmmmm, may have to try this on an older pair i have.
  15. yep i use the mellows as work headphones, they do put out bearable sound quality and for $15 at wal-mart what else do you want? and this is coming from a guy whos next investments going to be a $250 set of AKG studio headphones, so for most the sound quality is going to be better than expected. but i will say this hold onto the extra set of marshmellow pads, after a while they become brittle and very uncomfortable in your ears. it usually takes mine around three months before they become like that but i wear them day in and day out for 8-10 hours a day so im not sure how long they will last with normal wear and tear.
  16. I didn't even watch the show mostly because I knew I would be disappointed, the only way you're going to make a good car show in the US is by not ripping it off of an already existing car show. Be original, that's how top gear got to be where it is today. And if tanner I'm a DB foust is on the show I'm sure as hell not watching it.
  17. Not unless you're my age That is unless the mother is in the crippling stages of her life and the daughter is taking care of her on her deathbed. Then that's creepiest thing evar!!!
  18. Why is it that every dragracing video gone wrong I see posted the guys never have their helmet strapped? people never learn I guess...
  19. yep i want, i buddy of mine has a ysr50 and has the light kit and license plate and rides it around town, he gets pulled over pretty often to see if its legal thats the only hassle. And the thing is more than road worthy, i have had it up to 80 and its stable and still revving! needless to say its more than just a good time.
  20. ordering a hat and maybe a T when i get home.
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