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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Nice!!! If someone ripped all the red off of one of these things you might have a nice looking 09 R1 for one hell of an awesome price.
  2. That's actually pretty sick and I want one. End of story
  3. .net in all reality we are a network not a communication site. and it sounds better.
  4. Congrats!!! Have a great time starting your new family
  5. prayers are sent her way, sorry to hear
  6. e-flores

    Thursday rides?

    jarvis did you ever get your trackbike back together?
  7. e-flores

    Thursday rides?

    im down for a ride sometime soon, im gone the next two weekends though... i wouldnt mind a dayton ride on the 19th. i will be gone for 6 weeks the week after that, so basically the 19th is the only day i can do a weekend ride.
  8. I was taking pictures at turn six and I saw at least 10 riders smack their face on the gas tank while in full lean. The reason why rossi went off there so many times was because he was trying to work with the bumps. A good amount of the riders rode around the true apex to avoid the bump and rossi tried to meet it head on. From t.v. It looked like rossi was back to everyone elses conservative line on Sunday. It was funny watching the moto 2 guys tromp through the bumps on accident. that's where I saw all of the face meets gas tank action.
  9. True story.... The only thing Indy has going for itself is that there is already a gp on the west coast an Indy covers the east and Midwest. If indy get their act together in 2011 I doubt that the Austin track will compete With the Indy market. With that said Indy brought a great show downtown and did a great job commodity wise this year. But the track still SUCKS!!! And I'm not talking about the layout, I'm talking about the conditions. There are three different types of asphult around the place so it has to be a pain to setup suspension and grab the right tires. Not only that it has bumps in turn six and in the entrance to turn ten that could kill a donkey!!! If Indy fixes those problems I don see them moving anywhere, unless the motogp organizers decide to only have one usgp then both laguna and Indy will definetelly be thrown out the window and Austin is in.
  10. Holy hell people! Stop pricing bikes super cheap so I can sell mine!
  11. Very nice pics kosmo. I have a kosmo spotting picture, but I've yet to upload my pics yet, it's a sad story.
  12. pedro dont worry, i wouldnt go to target world anyway. last time a friend of mine went in there some douche let off a round in the showroom. luckly the gun was pointed upward. needless to say i aint goin in there anytime soon. but the middletown shooters club is a super nice place to shoot, bu you either have to be member or know a member to get in. not so sure how many people you know in and around middletown though.
  13. Yeah right now youre part of a huge sportbike group in columbus called ohioriders. Just keep your eyes open for rides.
  14. I've busted a few birds with my helmet, but that's all.
  15. Great shooting as always hailwood. I'll be uploading my fair share soon!
  16. Welcome!!! Sounds like your pretty well known around these parts already.
  17. e-flores

    rip peter

    Sad sad story R.I.P. Little man.
  18. I was there for that interview, it was quite epic.
  19. Yep great tires!!! These things heat up fast and are very predictable, love them!!! My last 5 trackdays have been with these things and i want to try out some power races' but I really can't bring myself to it. And after two or three trackdays they still make for an ok street tire.
  20. Nonpoint is going to be at mcguffys sept. 10th! And I will not be here!!!!!
  21. <threadjack> jblosser, I wish a troll would come up from the ground and kick you in the groin. That's how jealous I am of you right now!!! But I'm happy to hear someone respects good music around here. And some good bass playin'. I'm not old enough to even have thought about going to a Clark or jaco show. They were both gone before I was even born.
  22. true story... What music would be if jaco was still around. But I'm down for a fishing weekend I haven't been fishing in two years, that's the saddest story of my life.
  23. You know what I do.... I just pump gas in all my vehicles and most the time I could care less what octane it is. Ok end of my contribution to this thread.
  24. I'm 24 as of yesterday, I'm getting older not a big fan of the sittuation. Especially considering the fact that most the people my age have a life and I still got nothin oh and as for that insurance discount:rolleyes:
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