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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. here's the first batch still have a bunch more to go through and edit bu i might as well post what i have.
  2. I'm not sure I will be in Cleveland thursday and Friday, and I need to take care of some stuff here but I will try and make it.

  3. I may be able to make this one I will not b on the bike though. I have a show in cleveland on Friday night, if we stick around I am sure I can talk the ban into swinging by that way and grabbing lunch.
  4. I have the back half of the wreck, all of it is the bike tumbling, none of him the medical truck was blocking my view, but I have plenty of pics of the aftermath including what was left of the suit.
  5. if ama doesn't grab their junk and get everything together it will flop! Without factory support the AMA will colapse, and without other factories to race against the factory teams that are in it now will just leave and invest monies elsewhere. And the herrins wreck was pretty phenominal to say the least. I was standing on the inside of the esses when it happened I have some pics of the bike tumbling end over end, and I remember telling people when he picked the bike up that there is now way in hell that thing is goin to start and when it did I pretty much pissed myself and then to watch him do two laps with a broken left clip on, no front brake lever, no rpm gauge, and no seat. That kid gets all the respect in the world fom me nowadays. An I have a couple of pics to show the proof that all that was missing.
  6. Thanks cycle search for your hospitality as well!!! And the dinner on Saturday. And fonz I'm working on track pics but I have no party pics.
  7. yeah i kinda had some help with that and i am kinda on "don't ask questions you only get answers" terms about that one.... and thanks
  8. thats awesome of you guys to lend a hand. and if thats all that you thought was crazy about saturday night, well then good for you... and glad you could make it out again hailwood, going to the races has been a family thing for me as well for a very long time lately though my family havent had the time to join me, but i still love going and having the OR peeps around is a pretty good replacement for the family. oh and very nice pics as always!!! i may post a few randoms up in a few minutes i am still uploading them from the camera though.
  9. e-flores

    Lunch Run

    Yep another bike that sounds like it should be a part of the RAF....
  10. rip I will be praying for you and everyone who this loss affected. He will be missed.
  11. i will be there saturday and sunday!
  12. The score is now 1-0 in favor of the kid!
  13. Yeah that was the point... Sarcasm never translates well on the interwebz....
  14. Just walk into chi-chi's and tell them it's your birthday. End of search!
  15. Scaweet last time it was 24, let me look into my schedule and bank account.
  16. Lorenzo is a pretty awesome kid, great rider and a great personality which is what gp is all about.
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