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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Thanks twisted, I really didn't feel like typing that all out.
  2. I have yet to redgister but I plan on doing it by the end of next week. So, e-flores (eber)-advanced
  3. I would say west Chester. It's not out of the way of much it's pretty centralized and it's far enogh from downtown that you don't have much stupid traffic and that downtown feel, it's definetelly the suburbs and it's super nice.
  4. ok you win! I remember turning the corner and thinking wow that's an awefully big garden gnome (I have no idea how to spell that so I guessed) and then I was like awe hell that's yota taking a piss. Then you turned your head and spouted out some smart ass remark, something to the extent of you like what you see? Then I just walked away... So you win my friend, you win.
  5. Nope wrong again that's the "I wonder how pissed paul would really be if I wrecked his 450 while I am a little bit more intoxicated than I need to be?"
  6. It may have been speed but he's not on here a lot... He shows up every now and again and he's from around the area.
  7. I will never forget that day, there was plenty of win to go around! Including my broken hand, and hard assed cop.
  8. This thread is becoming pretty awesome!!! I will post my bud when I get home
  9. e-flores


    There are some good roads out that way if you know where to find them. I have yet to go out that way at all this year my avatar pic was taken in Germantown.
  10. I will have to start joining you guys when summer rolls around. But until then my life is owned by school work
  11. i dont know what to say... i kinda has a sad but at the same time its not my decision, as long as you still hang with us sportbike guys im cool with it
  12. Wow glad to hear you made it through!!! Sucks that the bike is demolished, but I am happy to hear you're doing good.
  13. Welcome!!! And sexy super duke!
  14. I'm latino and really don't want to go on this ride.... One because it's to far away and two, because we are an open group of riders.
  15. The week after school ends I am planning on making it but right now I am at school til 10pm on Mondays you guys have fun until then.
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