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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. I will be praying for him for sure, such a sad story I will be praying for a quick full recovery.
  2. For some reason I see the pics too
  3. It's sad to hear a company that used to be so passionate about building the perfect machine get overan by demands of lower cost/higher return based markets. I am sure almost every engineer at Honda wants to build the highest quality hands on parts and overall bikes but we have grown accustomed to the easily marketable side not the strictly engineered side
  4. My condolences are sent, I'm terribly sorry about your loss.
  5. This is pretty amazing news in my book. How's life been treating you man?
  6. No he's got the stop down, just not the drop and roll part!
  7. I want to go but not sure if I will be back in time I have missed all the good rides this year....
  8. e-flores


    sad story, though nashville is a pretty awesome place i have been there three weekends out of the last five. if i hear of any job opportunities i will let you know.
  9. http://www.blaghag.com/2010/06/touchdown-jesus-is-on-fire.html these are the best pictures i can find right now...
  10. Glad your doin ok man, and the bike doesn't look too bad off either.
  11. its a good time for sure. and i would be up for it.
  12. welcome!!! and if you hang around i am sure i will see you sometime soon.
  13. Congrats!!! Vrods a pretty wicked awsome!!
  14. Yeah that would make everyone happy
  15. Wow, wow, and more wow!!! That means she will run close to 300 miles in a week and a half. I wish her luck!
  16. rack up another point for casper!!!
  17. i just walked in for mine. i was a half hour early and was still third in line but i still got in.
  18. I saw this yesterday and I sent it to my drummer two seconds later
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