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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. All of you can thank me later for having the most unproductive day ever.
  2. check it out, and give it a second to load up! its amazing!!
  3. Where have you been buddy? Wish I could ride today but I am stuck in a van all day.
  4. e-flores

    Pet Peeves

    People on facebook with a farmville account that insist on making all of their updated bs posted on their wall. Making my update page full of random bs.
  5. I may have already told you but I will be more than willing to help with the booth, I just need to find a time slot that I can help with.
  6. The two kids are getting to him.
  7. you sir should stay down there til Sunday night our band has a show at the exit/in at 7
  8. I am heading down this weekend to help some people I know but they pretty much have everything cleaned up because people are helping each other. Not wining and crying about how they need help. </rant>
  9. Well I thought you were a decent person until you said that....
  10. or check out forums.13x.com you may be able to stumble on a super cheap pair there in the for sale section.
  11. That looks tasty!!! but don't worry give me a pitbike sober for more than five minutes and I would probably end up the same way.
  12. I neve knew about 1504 until last year, I felt completelly robbed when I foun out that I was missing such a great road for such a long time.
  13. And I will agree with carie
  14. your justification is served, sorry throwing out the AFJ thrashings is a pretty touchy subject around here. you're starting to sound like an old man I wish I could control myself that much.
  15. This is looking legit! And I haven't seen Joe in ages.
  16. no we have Hispanics that can barely afford school nonetheless trackdays. I take all the breaks I can get.
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