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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Welcome!!! And hopefully these idiots haven't already scared you away. We're pretty well known for that
  2. that's exactly what I said!!! The one guy who died and ended up on oprah and cnn was a cop!!! Seriously guys!? Seriously!? You of all people should know better.
  3. maxs' advice of the day!!!
  4. Nice!!! I will kill myself with one of those, way too much fun to be had there!!!
  5. e-flores

    Formula 1

    Seriously? If you haven't been able to fing good motorsports on t.v. In the last two seasons something is horibly wrong with you.... And I have found F1 pretty entertaining the last couple of seasons as well. One thing I will agree with you about though is that this season will be pretty off the hook! You have 4 legitamate teams with two drivers each that will have a say in the championship and the new points system is actually rewarding to those who win the race. Which means race wins will be more valuable.
  6. I have yet to log 1mile this year... I'm terribly sad, but I just spent most of the day yesterday getting her ready and I can't wait fir the rain to stop now!!!
  7. I miss the stops.... It may sound bad. But the stop is one of my favorite parts of the ride whether with a group of people or by myself. So much fun happens in such a short period of time, stoping and thinking about what just happened makes me smile!!!
  8. no the fact that you will have two 1000rr's
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