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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. its kinda nice being a mod isnt it?
  2. e-flores


    i watched it in 3D yesterday, and its just amazing!!!
  3. e-flores

    Ninja edit

    One thing I found out over the last couple of months is the drama never ends.... But way to stay on top of things!!!
  4. awesome!!! i will have a hard time rooting for him at first since he turned on the tifosi but i cant help myself but to. i heard that if he started racing again his wife would leave him, so he may go tiger on us. but in this case it would be all good.
  5. wow that thing is amazing!!! treat her like gold man, i let someone borrow my first bass and i am pretty sure she got sold for weed money i will never let something like that happen again. EVAR!!! no one borrows musical instruments from me anymore. glad you are getting into music though, and the bass is an awesome way to learn, my favorite part is how creative you get to be without being criticized all to much... but are some pics of my current baby.
  6. e-flores


    wow i figured how much they were advertising this thing that it would be a total flop. i guess i was wrong, everyone i knwo who has seen it said it was amazing. i may go see it christmas day
  7. thank god for the interwebz!!!
  8. My family!!!! Or wait Mi Familia!!!
  9. That's exactly what I was thinking....
  10. I just bought some bass lessons, and I will probably buy myself a new amp since my old one just decided to blow up out of nowhere.
  11. 600rr.net will be your best friend for that. keep your eyes open and you will always find what you need over there.
  12. e-flores

    Deer Season

    the main thing there is being able to shoot you bow accurately, i refuse to hunt if i havent shot the bow in over two weeks or so. partly because if i actually get one close enough i dont want to miss but mostly for the deer sake. i couldnt let myself shoot one in the leg.
  13. e-flores

    Deer Season

    That's the same problem I have been having I only went out with a gun twice this year. I have killed with a gun beore and I have been hunting for three years with a bow and yet to get a bow kill. It's pissing me off!!!
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