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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. GOD AWEFULL PHYSICAL!!! but it was pretty awesome, i wasnt expecting much in technicality after watching the youtube videos but it was very technical. it was easy for me to catch onto because it reminded me of tracks i used to race at in the old kart. plenty of late apex turns that forced you to carry as much momentum as possible and force yourself to brake as late as possible, which i still need to work on. overall i was very please dwith the track, i just wish it had a longer straight away so i had time to recover from the constant turning!
  2. he was at putnam last sept. you aparently missed him:D
  3. ....keep your opinion to yourself
  4. wow no good for stoner... but i must say what an amazing break for kalio, he has to be the most underated person in the gp paddoc i i am wishing he does well!
  5. and i almost asked that girl if she wanted me to turn on the 10hp vibrator....
  6. i have to say i had a hard time not motorboating the girl who was holding the handlebars.... just thought i would throw that out there...
  7. and i will get your pics dont worry! but i have priorities and sleep is number 1 right now.
  8. beautiful!!! i was actually the one who had the off road excursion this time, but that doesnt mean i get to hold the title as off road king though. i have an excuse for my off roading, and its called a 2 wheeled drift, the only way out of lowsiding was to stand it up and ride through the apex into the dirt. remember i am latino the only thing we steal are jobs! that and i was way to tired to care how cold i was.
  9. dont worry i had that base covered! it was good meeting you though tomato. its was one amazing weekend, i still cant get over the fact that i got to run with a desmo RR on track and it was great seeing jarvis kickin it in his first track weekend. i will give my recap and post pictures as soon as i dont feel like passign out in front of the computer screen.
  10. cool but i dont feel like dishing out $70....
  11. what you know your honda is better than the gixxer.....
  12. Thanks for your support guys!!!
  13. I already ran a covert-op into his garage last night and put nobbies on his track bike, so we got that one covered.
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