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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. yeah its no mid-ohio but its still a nice place to run.
  2. i dont think i will be able to make this one, the only way i am going to be able to make it to the track this weekend is if i work on my bike like crazy the next couple of nights which means the bike will be bare wed. night....
  3. not to shabby, what group were you running in?
  4. Is there a site I can truley buy these from? Or are you yankin my chain here nick?
  5. bwahahah!!! i wouldnt expect anything less!
  6. yeah its def. a track designed for the car users. the turn 1,2, and 3 complex is designed to be a decreasing radius turn for a car, but it def. doesnt happen with a bike. i really wan to go around the place in a car one day, and i want to take the chicaine at the top of big bear on the bike one day as well. but i dont know if that will happen. and the bus stop would be a fun turn to take in a car as well, it would still be a nuescence trying to get around it but its one of those corners that really teach you throttle control.
  7. hahaha putnam is a fun place to have offraod excursions apparently glad to hear everyone had a good time and cant wait til next weekend!!!!
  8. no its trials. they are wicked awesome to watch and crazy maneuverable!
  9. That sucks kid!!! Glad they didn't steal anything to valuable... But it still sucks, being stolen from has to be the worst form of personal violation, next to rape of course.
  10. wtf? i have to say i did laugh a little, but who the hell would record that?
  11. a little over 2500, these rides to c-bus and back are killin me i have made like 6 or 7 trips up there this year. including the round trip i took to coshocton, that was a 350 mile day i do believe. i filled up three times.
  12. i am out for this one... sorry guys. i opted to do the gingerman weekend instead. same price for two days and its still with the stt. a friend of mine and i may be going to the 22nd day though.
  13. i just went for a ride...it was colder than i expected!
  14. I have one! But it's still on the bike....
  15. Very nice! I have been thinking about investing in a g series, I need a little compact to go with the dslr. And I have no issues being mobile with the dslr.
  16. hrrrmm.good though... oh and btw your flicker page is amazing what are you shooting with?
  17. i am impressed! very nice artwork my friend!
  18. bwaaahaha!!! We went past there for the anv. Ride this year and the place was closed down....
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