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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. sorry to hear, keep your head up though.
  2. Apartently I missed this while on vacation.... But I will be there
  3. for once i agree with new laws that are set into place. most of all the trucks new speed limit, though i think they should up the auto speed limit up to 70 to compensate for the speed/weight differences.
  4. Casper has to give you the emblem and it's not automatic.....
  5. i may be able to pull that off. just let me know.
  6. i love the 09 repsol, but aparently i am the outlier in this group? congrats on the bikes!!!
  7. you're going to have to do this on a saturday. im not willing to travel and hour and a half to take pics of other people having fun on a weeknight.
  8. If you have issues improvising check out 600rr.net for some that members have made. I know one guy did a write up on how he made a kit out of a tuna can.....
  9. I say improvise... I made mine out of a thin piece of galvanized sheet metal I picked up from work and some safety wire.
  10. i still need a bike i can thrash.... either that or some race bodywork....
  11. So when's the next wera racing school?
  12. nice! i need to get money and race i am super jealous right now....
  13. i may be up for this on a different weekend... i need some good pics of classic cars and i havent been to a germantown car show in a while. but i will be out of town this weekend.
  14. yeah, i have invested a ton of money in gas too.
  15. someone needs a design department and that thing will be selling like hot cakes.
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