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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. that 100-400 treating you well i see great pics as always!!! i may have to take a trip down there when i rent the 70-200
  2. YAY!!! i get to see the bike again is the sinner coming as well?
  3. thats crazy! glad to hear youre doing ok
  4. this thread is out of control!!! but i have to say FWB day is on my birthday!!!
  5. so would your dad mind if i stole his car?
  6. yeah i figured as much, i didnt feel like clicking the link because i was cruising on the phone... still dont like it all to much
  7. I'm not a tremendous fan.... I think it's a little to gaudy. It's nice for sure, but I would expect a lot more in the sleek department of ducati. This looks like something kawi would throw up. Not something ducati would masterfully design. But that's me?
  8. He's lucky the bullet didn't make a hole somewhere other than just his leg.
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