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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. you would have been more pissed if you witnessed the move he made to get into the lead.
  2. not a problem!!! i gotta say my favorite part about the first one is that they are giving each other five while you are giving them the finger
  3. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=30980&page=6 yeah it who you think it is and nice pics btw!
  4. kawi kid heres the new avatar pick your poison buddy
  5. stop being a woman and get over yourself, if all else fails screw the strip club and go and get some hookers and blow!!!
  6. Yota have I ever told you that you are a brilliant man?
  7. holy piss!!! i would be putting a serious hurt on someone if that was me. that is after i ended up scooping the 10lbs. of crap out of the back of my pants... glad to hear the rider was ok though.
  8. switchin it up... ain't no reason-brett dennen
  9. I will try and post that one up as soon as I get home from work
  10. they are coming my friend, i will try to post some later today, but god honestly i havent even been through all of them yet... i ended up with close to 2000 pics from the weekend so yeah, there are some good ones though.
  11. Kosmo this should be your new avatar
  12. it couldnt have been much different then camping without earplugs....
  13. if i can get out of work i am willing to wake up stupid early for this but thats if i can get out of work...
  14. ahha!!! QTF!!! go to the dealership pick up and extra drain bolt for a good $3 and drill hole through it, then put saftey wire through it. its really not that hard people.
  15. are you really that concerned with a thumb??? i am pretty sure the rest of her is pretty much a trump card to that thumb!
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