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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. You have the tendacy to do that every once in a while....
  2. welcome!!! and thats one pretty bike!!!
  3. i would be up for taking pics, but i will be out of town...
  4. my guy has been busting some heads in the last couple of days:D
  5. Yeah glad to hear you walked away, hope you get everything together soon.
  6. I have been trying to figure out a way to posibly do the same thing. I haven't been able to find a way to make a quick disconnect system though.... But I will be honest I haven't really look all to much into it either.
  7. Haha awesome!!! Though a missing mirror may have improved the cosmetic apeal of that pos....
  8. Yeah I have no idea what your talking about either...
  9. or franklin school systems.... thats what you get for graduating from redneck hell.
  10. i will be the third to tell her then, i was really impressed with her pace and with the pace of everyone else on the ride as well.
  11. what you didnt have that much fun busting the guy in the eclipse's balz?
  12. are these takeoffs you speak of track worthy.
  13. had a good time guys i will have to do it again before the end of the season.
  14. I am on my way to the pony right now... And I hope it is because I have had the most boring hour ride I have had in a long time and I got about another 45 minutes of this monotony...
  15. I will check in the morning as well, I plan on leaving the house at like 7:30.
  16. no good kiddo... Glad your ok, if you need any help putting your baby back together just give me a call
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