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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. e-flores


    alright i am going to be the first one to post in the photography thread i guess? post your gear everyone!! my own gear, canon 50d, with extended hand grip. efs 17-85 4-5.6, and the nifty fifty. the temporary beautiful, RENTED, gear canon 50d, extended hand grip, and ef 24-70 2.8L
  2. briliant idea!!! i was thinking of doing the same thing
  3. Not too shabby!!! I am working on spending about that much for all the races I attend. It would be cool to shoot some Trackday pics as well.
  4. Yeah, I already have the nifty fifty in the arsenal :) prime lenses are awesome, but I really can't get over the focus speed and the sharpness of this lenses compared to the kit lens... I was kinda second guessing buying a $1600 70-200 but now I know it's goin to be worth it.

  5. So I rented a 24-70 2.8L for my sisters wedding this weekend, and GOD am I jealous now! The L lenses are well worth it! I wasn't sure if I wanted the 17-40 or the 24-70 because the 17-40 had the IS but I wanted the extra focal length and the speed of the 24-70 made up for the IS anyway.

    I just thought I would let you know how jealous I am the you actually own something so effing sexy!!!

  6. you guys will be in prayers!!! let us know if you need anything. and have a full and speedy recovery.
  7. Really!!!? Have you not watched the last two 250 races!!!? I am going to thoroughly miss the 250 class. if the 600 class is half as exciting as the 250's I will be content. I will love to see the 600's duke it out like the little 250's.
  8. not as good as two days at mid-ohio at the end of june... what ever happpend to that idea!!!????
  9. Impressive!!! That's def a first, and I woulnt plug it... Sorry to hear that though.
  10. Happy birthday!!!
  11. Yeah matt gets it right again, there are plenty of books out there, pick them up and read. I was suggested to read another book other than the two matt suggested and it was a lot more insightful than the both of them pertaining to street riding anyway. But I let someone borrow it and it never got returned. I will pm you the title and author when I figure it out.
  12. sorry to dissapoint whitey, I only have two options right now. Either continue writting pointless papers for finnals or post that madness, and personally I am tired of writting right now. I am working on paper 2 of 3 now though so I'm making progress and I am going to be stupid happy when I'm done!
  13. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................nope still don't get it ........................................................................................................................................................................(the worst part is I am posting from the iPhone and I litteraly have to press each one of these periods) ............................................................................................................................................................GOD IM BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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