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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Yeah not a problem, I need to work on it some more actually, it's a little to saturated. I killed the detail of the bike with the post processing...
  2. you will have to ride with us when we have a smaller group. although big groups are a lot of fun they kinda hinder the ride quality... 4-5 people=and ideal ride.
  3. sorry man, you and nick were the only two people i didnt render any good pics from... like i said i was trying to have some fun with some pics mostly because i knew fusion had my back if i totally screwed up. next time he will have to get his panning game on while i just sit back and get the "photographically correct" pictures.
  4. I may be up for this I have been waiting to go to mid-o this year and that weekend may work.
  5. I'm sending prayers your direction. If you need anything we are here for you guys.
  6. .... Well I was trying to get some good panning shots and yeah you were going a little faster than I expected and your pictures ended up looking like a black blur withsome headlights..... Sorry mang!!! That's the sucky thing about being first in line, you were more or less a test dummy for the rest of the group.
  7. ...there is no such thing as a quota, i have no idea why people believe that?
  8. more... that and i need a better place to upload pics to... photobucket degrades quality quite a bit.
  9. i got my pictures!!! i havent had time to edit any of them except for jarvis' and now that i look at it i def. overprocessed it... but here they are.
  10. e-flores


    hunting, fishing, all the outdoors stuff. as much as i follow racing i would consider that a hobby. photography, pinstryping(whenever i have the time) and i am sure there are more i cant think of right now.....
  11. I will get mine posted soon probably tomorrow afternoon, I haven't been home since sat. Morning so yeah there's a little problem. But I knew jeremi had it covered so I got a little more experimental, and sorry nick the pictures I got of you totally suck!!! but there I'd plenty of season left to go. And jarvis I have a good pic of you not showing off the rodeo skilz!
  12. i know how you held onto that thing now going through those off road whoops now:lol: it was the jarvis rodeo, but on the flipside i did get a good pic out of it....
  13. yep i just got the sign up sheet completed and i am getting the gear together and heading out to the garage!!!
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