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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. I personally wouldn't get a 250. Like I said, I'd be bored within 2 weeks. I think most of first time sportbike riders go for a 600 as their first bike. And I think Ben is the only rider on this forum witha 250. Maybe one or 2 others but 99% of the people you'll be riding with will have at least 600s.
  2. Yup... Its one thing to scrape a footpeg when dragging a knee. Its another to scrape your ENGINE when dragging a knee.
  3. Dude, don't get a 250... That shit will be fun for about 2 weeks. Go straight for the 600 and save yourself the time of trying to sell the 250 in a month. Just tell people you have a large life insurance policy so your family will be okay with it. Most people are worth more dead than alive.
  4. So in addition to the F3 fleeing you also be charged with filing a false police report and obstruction of official business.
  5. I kinda like it. The brown seat would have to go, along with the spike on the gas tank. But, other than that, I think its a nice looking tricked out sportbike. Sometimes I wouldn't mind having a bike where I could just take the wife and cruise for a bit. It would be cool to have a tricked out Busa to cruise versus getting a traditional "cruiser." Also, not every state has nice twisty roads. You go to a place like Florida and you're not gonna be flipping your 600s in and out of twisties. (my comment is ignoring the $20k price tag)
  6. If the bike is stolen, definately ditching it was the right move. But why speed when riding a stolen bike? But if it IS your own bike, that $100 speeding ticket just cost you a bit more. Trying to flee from the police makes no sense to me at all. Someone's post a few days ago entitled "HOLY SHIT," where the police officer jumps on the car and unloads 5 or 6 rounds into the guy simply for fleeing is a prime example of why you should always stop.
  7. Just use spray paint. All that "HP" and "Max PSI" crap is already taken care of.
  8. okay, okay, okay... I'm starting to dig the all black one. BUT I'd still never get it because it costs an extra $200 for it. That pisses me off when companies charge extra cash just for a different or "limited edition" paint scheme. I've seen it done with Gixxers (the gun metal paint scheme) and now the CBRs... Go blow me Honda. If I'm gonna pay extra for a paint scheme, why would I do it for all black??? It would be different if it were decked out with a joker face on it or something complicated to do. I'm keeping my '06 until about '09 or 2010 and then I'll get something else. Who knows what'll be out then.
  9. Not looking like the '08s. If I were gonna get an '08, I'd definately get an R1 at this point. The turnsignals on the ZX-10 are a dealbreaker.
  10. What continues to boggle my mind is that the '08 600RRs look as badass as ever. But the 1ks are FUGLY.
  11. every time I look at the pic it looks uglier and uglier.
  12. I believe you should help all living things. That bear didn't do anything to you.
  13. I think its "ok". But looking at the '07s and the '08s they definately took a step back in the design department. I love the addition of a slipper clutch though. The mirror/signals is nice, but my aftermarket flushmounts look waaay better. Overall I'm pretty disappointed in all of the '08s. Yamahas, as always, look sweet as hell. If I were in the market, I'd be getting a Yamaha without a doubt.
  14. I am good either day. I may actually head up there tomorrow if I am bored.
  15. I've got COD3... my tag is Spit The Slayer Right now I'm playing Halo 3 though. H3 is possibly the best game ever made. But give me a shout and I'll play some COD3. COD 4 is gonna be the SHIT though. I can't wait for that to come out in November.
  16. thank you for not listing wikipedia as your source.
  17. look closely and you can see the doggie.
  18. take Route 66 west. You could empty a whole tank of gas with the throttle wide open. Refil and do it all over again.
  19. FYI, if this is the case I am thinking of, the dead guy had some traffic warrants. That was it. Apparantly he picked his neighbor (the passanger) up and didn't stop because of the warrants. He probably would've been taken to jail that night and let go 2 hours later. No dead bodies in the trunk, no kilos of crack, nothing. Just a few traffic warrants. After this incident, some people said it was too much for the cop do to that. Similar to what NinjaNick is saying. But at the same time, he would've been a national hero if he stopped a kidnapping or the guy was wanted for murder.
  20. The answer to your question is Reckless Ops. They MAY say that you were Fleeing (F3) but in the hypothetical sense, if you pulled over immediately (for the sake of arguement) Reckless is all that you could/should be charged with. I think the BMV has the discretion to suspend your license for however long they want. So even if the court does not take it away at all, the BMV may take it away forever. Having a driver's license is a privilege and not a right so says the United States Supreme Court. Have fun with that Satan... and please post video if you do it or know someone who will/can.
  21. Wow, XB calling out my intelligence.
  22. I met a Mechanic at Columbus Motor Sports and he told me that the reason why our bikes are limited at 186 is because they don't want the $10,000 Japanese bikes out gunning their Porches and other pricey vehicles. That kinda pissed me off.
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