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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. I think I saw that gun on Call of Duty 3.
  2. have you seen the Pain Olympics? I heard it is fucked up. I've never seen it and doubt I have the balls to watch it.
  3. Pretty sweet tat Sinner... I do wonder, however, why the fish is the most popular animal that is used.
  4. Cleaner


    In Nick's/Kawifan's "Dear Dweezle" post he states: "... I do apologize to ROCKY and DWEEZEL, I DO like them believe it or not, but I will NEVER apologize to such a fucking dumbass as yourself (directed to Satan)...!" Obviously, Nick then went on and apologized to Satan in this thread.
  5. Cleaner


    Not sure Putty recalled the prior apology to Rocky and Dweez.
  6. Ron Paul won't win... He's too smart for the average voter.
  7. FYI, I forwarded your post to Homeland Security. They are printing up your ticket to Gitmo as I type. Let the anal probing begin. If I were you, I'd request to be on top of the human pyramid as soon as you get the chance.
  8. I am... My decision is informed. Also, I don't want to move. I want the bastards who fucked it up to get out. As with most situations, there is a minority of people out there that are fucking it up for the rest of us. THEY should be the ones to have to leave.
  9. STFU Fox News. Its these same fuck-tards that elected our current President in the first place. Fox News is soooo conservative it makes me sick. NOW they wanna bitch about the "taking away of rights"!?!?! You didn't see Clinton signing off of bullshit like this. He was too busy squirting on interns. All of our rights have been spent on the War on Terror, Finishing the Fight, Staying the Course, finding Weapons of Mass Destruction, yaddy yaddy yaddy. You think its bad now??? Wait until these same people who are pissed at the Patriot Act elect Rudy to the White House. Talk about taking away liberties... you guys ain't seen nothing yet.
  10. I will be riding but not blazing going 180mph. Due to the length of the race, I think the folks who are gonna ride that fast will be busted. Its gonna be a day race on a saturday. And it will be long too. I will probably ride with one or 2 people as well. Its more about the fun of the ride than to just to win.
  11. I doubt we will us the camera system. I like the checkpoint system better. A cop that finds a map with points on it won't do a thing. He'll just cite the person or take hem to jail. there will not be a sting operation set up just because they arrested a dude on a bike going 180. You are right though, the camera could be bad.
  12. I don't know the guy or else I'd do it myself... Yota, the next care package should contain some gay porn. Nothing too disgusting but a male calendar would be a great touch.
  13. Sounds like you're kinda excited about this. It'll happen. When I mention "teams" I'm thinking of 2 or more. Just so if someone wrecks or gets arrested there's another person to tell the funny story or to call Med-Vac. I like the idea of getting a receipt. There won't be a "set" route but there will be certain locations where one will have to stop. And Shitty is right, the specific details will probably be given moments before the race starts. But don't worry Jerm, we'll work it all out between now and the next 6 months.
  14. Somebody got you goooood... LOL
  15. Actually its NOT like UFC or Pride. Its a different sport with a different set of rules. UFC and (the former) Pride are organizations for the sport of Mixed Martial Arts. Chuck Norris' World Combat League (WCL) is more of an updated form of Kickboxing which is team based. It airs on the Versus Network when the sport is "in season." Its entertaining.
  16. I've actually heard bad things about Honda Northwest. Also, I have gone in there on more than one occasion and looked at their bikes. Not a single person comes up to me and asks if I need assistance or if I have any questions. I don't need to be badgered but I'd at least like to be acknowledged. I heard the place in Mount Vernon was a good place. Too bad its an hour away. I took my bike to Motorsports on Morse road. They did a good job for me. Plus I like the fact they have their service room open to viewing. That being said, I know people on these boards that HATE Columbus Motorsports and wouldn't let them work on their Schwin.
  17. A few people have committed to the event. I'm not going to pick a date yet but I'm thinking sometime in April would be good. As it gets warmer I'm sure others will want to participate as well. I will formulate rules and repost the idea in about March. Probably will do a "team" concept as well.
  18. That Fucking Owl Gives Me Nightmares!!!! Stop It!!!!
  19. There is no conspiracy. I saw groups of people arguing about silly shit. Kawi then told me who he really was. So I then told him to stop the silly shit because it ruins the boards. I also told him that if he wanted to get "unbanned" he needed to have a conversation with Satan. Nobody wants to join a riding group that contains adults acting like fucking 12 year olds. Go back and read all the fucking bickering. Its fucking retarded. This is a site for RIDERS. Its NOT going to be about 2 or 3 people BITCHING to each other. This isn't a fucking beauty salon!!!! We're adults... FUCKING ACT LIKE IT.
  20. Everytime I see a video of an accident I think to myself, "what did he do wrong," and "what would I have done differently." I cannot see what that guy did wrong in that video. It looks like he's just riding and then all of the sudden his back wheel is sliding from under him. Its like he hit a patch of ice or something.
  21. You know Chrome, I was also thinking that maybe we don't need a speed limit. If we do it during the day, the police will be the incentive to keep people in check. Its a marathon and not sprint. I'm guessing that those riders who think they can go 180 mph to Dayton will end up in the clink. Even having to stop for 30 minutes while the officer writes you a ticket would take a considerable amount of time from you. The winner would probably be the guy who was able to maintain a constant speed of about 100 mph, which allows them to get to a reasonable speed if they saw a cop in the horizon.
  22. This is totally work safe btw, but it still made me vomit in my mouth... Enjoy. http://www.break.com/index/horrible-disease-turns-man-into-tree.html
  23. We should do something like this in the summer. We could do a "race" from Columbus, to Dayton, to Cincy. We could set the speed limit at 120 mph. That way Putty isn't screaming accross I-70 at 180. The requirement would be everyone would have to have a tank cam that shows the speedometer. I think you can get a tank cam for about 70 bucks right.
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