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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. Cleaner


    All of the Japanese bikes are good. But since every company sells thousands of units each year, some are gonna be sold with defects. No company has ever released a bike without somebody having a complaint about a defect. Any difference in quality is minuscule.
  2. and for a virtual reality look at the course as its being built go to http://www.redbullindianapolisgp.com/construction/flash/
  3. Yet again, another video of police brutality. :lol::lol::lol: http://www.break.com/index/drunk-runs-into-ambulance-fleeing-police.html
  4. For anyone who reads this... Get renter's insurance. Poeple break into aprtments twice as much as they break into houses.
  5. well, I know what I am doing this weekend.
  6. I feel for you man. that fucking blows. some of that shit you cannot get replaced. Anyboby with a Gateway computer I'm gonna fuck them up for stealing your stuff.
  7. Cleaner

    Qs&l 10-31-07

    damn... DON'T TAZE ME BRO. My bikes gonna be asleep for the winter.
  8. Cleaner

    Qs&l 10-31-07

    don't feel like freezing my balls off. Sorry. My bike will be prepped for winter at that time.
  9. Cleaner


    I'm gonna do a B&E at about midnight
  10. Cleaner


    I hate that fucking owl!!! It gives me nightmares every time I see it.
  11. see title of thread... DUH!
  12. I gotta get back to work now... Thanks for the laughs. Here's one for the road.
  13. Pedro, don't shoot the messenger.
  14. Cleaner

    Lemon Law

    are you guys talking about Columbus Motorsports on Morse rd?
  15. that bike reminds me of a girl I knew. She was sexy as hell. Had nice eyes, and a great smile. She even had a sexy body.... That is until you notice her huga F.U.P.A. (see below for definition) _______________________________ FUPA FUPA is an acronym for Fat Upper Pussy Area. Contrary to popular belief, the FUPA is *not* a roll of fat hanging over the vaginal area. Rather, it is the area directly *above* the vaginal area which has become enlarged. The FUPA has strange effects on its victims. Primarilly, those that suffer from FUPA are completely oblivious to its presence. Furthermore, the FUPA has the strange ability to cause its host to wear their jeans up near the belly button, which further accents its glory. (Some scientists have come to believe that the FUPA has a rudementary intelligence) Women who are 3-5 months pregnant demonstrate the most excellent examples of the FUPA. Be careful before asking a woman if she's pregnant! Most likely, it is just her FUPA. "Hey, are you pregnant? Or is that just your FUPA?"
  16. Cleaner


    When and where? I'll be the guy who talks all the shit but can't race worth a damn.
  17. Cleaner

    Qs&l 10-17-07

    too bad you're not good at it.
  18. I've been following Moto GP for a couple years now and I don't have a reason to not like the guy. Besides that stupid wreck he caused with Hayden last year. But even Hayden blamed the Repsol Honda team for not handing down orders to help Nicky win. I can't think of anyone on the Moto GP circuit that I dislike.
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