In 10w40 or 20w40 as long as your using an oil that ends in w40 is good. The 40 is the weight of the oil, the first number is how cold it is good down to. Example 10w40 is good down to 10 degrees, and 20w40 is good down to 20 degrees. That is the rating for viscosity of the oil down to a certain temp. The weight doesn't change though.
That's just the clutch plates lashing, is normal some bikes do it more than others. It's because there is no pressure applied to the clutch plates when in neutral, so with no pressure pushing the plates together that make a rattling noise.
My wife and I have one bank account, pay all bills out if it. We give each other an "allowance " every week the same amount. We pay gas and all necessities out of the account, only wants like guns, purses, and the like come from our allowance.
I use the kill switch, leave bike in gear (acts as parking brake), kickstand, then remove key. To start put key in on "on" posistion, raise kickstand, pull clutch in, flip kill switch, and go since it's already in gear.
Welcome, I live in the Cincinnati area as well. Off every Sunday-Monday ride mostly on the east side of town, as well as northern Kentucky. Just message me and it'll go straight to my phone if you want to ride.