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Posts posted by InyaAzz

  1. You guys and your lack of autoimmune diseases. Pffffff!!!!!

    It's gonna be 35 here @ 10 AM. My fingers turn purple if I hold a cold can of pop from the fridge. If I rode in that weather, my bully stick would fall off.

  2. Nice. I went to DC for the first time last year with all of my kids, my sister, my niece and my dad and his wife. He was there for an unveiling of a John Ripley statue at the Marine Museum across from Quantico. He even has his name on it. It was a good time and we're gonna try and go back this year.

    BTW, if you've never been to the Marine Museum.....GO. I thought I was gonna be bored out of my mind, but I ended up not wanting to leave.

    We took the quick tour of the White House. What a shit box. :)

  3. See that the thing, Best Korea isn't "giving the US any trouble". We're FINALLY, for better or for worse, calling their bluff. I'd like to think that Kim Jong the Middle would launch the missile into the sea, then hit the brakes, declare victory to his people that the launch caused the imperialist invaders to cower in their holes and call off the invasion, and come to the table to try and get paid for shutting down the plutonium reactor that they're restarting (which they've done in the past) and get paid for not doing any more nuclear or missile tests. The rub, however, is no one knows where Fatty the Third's brakes are on this. The military establishment might be painting him into a corner, or he might not have power fully consolidated at all (I read somewhere that the aunt and uncle of KJI were asked to bring Un up to speed and help him consolidate power, inferring that they had authority behind the scenes)

    Again, all we have to do is make sure that our tracking systems are up to date to track any possible missile threats that Aegis and one other one that I can't think of are (THAAD is the third and final piece of that puzzle), and conduct business as usual with SK.

    My definition of trouble is having to devote resources to deal with NK's shit. This is diverting time, money and resources away from other pressing matters. NK knows this. China, Russia and Iran know it too.

  4. ^ Pretty much what I believe and stated earlier. The stakes are too high for anyone to strike first. NK will try and make the US blink, while NK sits back and laughs at the trouble it's making the US go through to counter their 'threat'. The missile test will serve two purposes. First, thumbing its nose at the US, and two, maybe get the US to intercept it and claim they were 'attacked' first. If the US decides to intercept it, best believe Russia, Iran and China are watching closely. There is intel to be had whenever US assets are engaged.

    I agree...this is all really interesting. I'm really not worried about a nuclear strike or all out war. That's a no-win for everyone. I'm more interested in how this plays out internally in NK, and whether there is really some internal conflict as some defectors and insiders say. Glorious leader can't back down now, it would be a sign of weakness. Will the military go along with a NK first strike? The rationalist in me says No...they aren't eating their own dog food and know that it would be the end of NK as they know it.

  5. Relax, it was meant to be a joke that hasn't had its chance to play out and never will now. My niece went to the same school, trust me she is far from being rich or a bible thumper.

    Don't worry religion is not a theme or topic of discussion when you go there and you won't get the impression that anyone is too rich to take the time to talk to you.

    This is precisely why I couldn't be a rep for business, I goof around too much.

    You will have a hard time trying to find a better qualified mechanic than their lead guy.

    It's unfortunate you didn't like your experience trying to buy there. Communication isn't everyone’s strong suit and hopefully you were able to convey what you needed better somewhere else to get the deal you were looking for.

    Come on Tod...did you REALLY have to tell me you were joking around?

    It's my fault. I haven't spent enough time on here over the winter and I've failed as a...something.

    And I'll vouch (again) for their lead mechanic Mike. I would trust him to fondle anything I owned on two wheels.

  6. Light years ahead of the the previous generations. I don't own one, but I've owned an 06 and I currently have an 08. I've ridden one and I would give up my 08 in a second. I can't compare it to any other current sport bikes because I don't have experience with those...only previous Kaw generations.

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