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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. WANT to ride the Magnum and NEED to ride the Magnum...two totally different things. Goes back to priorities...need to get those straight first before fixing the financial situation.
  2. Me too. $50 for 1250 mins, unl data and txt. Thing is, Sprint is trying to get everyone off that plan. As far as Smartphones goes, they will do windows mobile, but Android (coming soon) or Palm phone require their new everything plan, which is like 450 mins for around $70. Why would I pay MORE for LESS? So, I'm gonna keep my Moto Q9C, until I can get a free or cheap upgrade to another WinMo phone. I refuse to pay $300 for a cell phone. Let me know how it works out for you.
  3. Quoted for truth. Pay off the high interest debt first.
  4. You're doomed to repeat your mistakes then. Your mind obviously isn't where it needs to be and you haven't hit rock bottom yet. I hope you pull it together...but you may not be at the maturity level to pull it off yet. Get your damn priorities in order. Cedar Point is not a priority. A motorcycle is not a priority. A roof over your head and food in your stomach IS a priority. If you see hard times coming, spending $$ now because "I'm ok now, but in a month I won't be" is just plain stupid. My .02
  5. You guys have my utmost respect. Like Nick said..my 10 would put me in the hospital. I would need to replace my stock seat before even thinking of trying something like this. Ride safe guys.
  6. Imus=Financial consultant? Wow. Let's see how long that lasts.
  7. You obviously have no idea what it's like to grow up in two different worlds/races...trying to appease both and find yourself at the same time. If you don't know what Obama was saying BEFORE and AFTER those quotes, then I'm sorry but yes...out of context. If Hitler says "Germans are superior..." and that's what gets quoted....BUT right before then he is talking about something like manufacturing output..and his complete quote it "Germans are superior in that regard" then YES...it's out of context. I'm not making excuses for Obama. But I'm also not google raping his words to make a point, without having read exactly what he trying to convey. Come on now..you can't be that naive to think that you don't have to take a quote in the context of the whole body of text, do you??
  8. And I totally agree with you. I don't think Imus should have been fired. What he said was mean...BUT black folks have said WORSE about other black folks on the radio.
  9. I smell "out of context man" lurking somewhere. You searched google and came up with those quotes. Did you actually READ any of those books? Honestly? Or did you just google rape© InyaAzz it? The man had mixed race parentage...and with that comes ALOT of confusion and soul searching. I can't really speak on his words fully, because you're just quoting excerpts...and I haven't read the full text. I'm guessing you haven't either. This isn't a flame or a dig, just be careful when you make an assumption like "Obama hates white people" because you ran with quotes widely circulated on the net...without taking everything in context. Not just with Obama...but in general. This is media tactic #237...don't bother explaining WHY someone said what they said, just quote the short blurb and make it sound bad. I'm guessing here..that you don't have any mixed race kids.
  10. Lulz I'll state again..and Tod already knows this..Jinx had nothing to do with that accident. That being said, he has a knack for being around when folks go down. I followed that guy on the R1 last time I rode (Me, Jinx, R1). Seemed cool. I kept him in front because I had never ridden with him before, and I get nervous ..sometimes..with unknown riders behind me. He went wide once or twice...but otherwise seemed to be pretty good. I didn't bother trying to play follow the leader in the straights...we can all do 150+. Now that I think about it...there was this one yellow line pass where he's damn lucky an amish buggy was holding up traffic on the other side of the blind corner. If a car had been coming we wouldn't be talking about him riding last weekend.
  11. I bet that didn't make it in the video! By the way..nice to see you riding Turbo.
  12. I'd like an application please.
  13. I changed my stance..I really wish I had been there for this one. I bet Jinx didn't hold back.
  14. So...."kids stay in school and do your homework" is a reason to pull the kids out of school. Got it. Anyways..it's been real. Has anyone seen any good bukkake lately?
  15. You're a funny man. Did I say Obama gets a pass? Nope. Am I toting the party line? I must've missed that one. You most likely just confirmed my point..it's convenient for you to 'take a stand' with your kids now..but most likely would not have happened at any other time..considering the past President were all upstanding gentlemen and the like. Have fun with the Wiki..you can check the references on your own if it isn't good enough. Bush leads Obama: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars And post #101. You were addressing me, not the other way around. Maybe you felt the shoe fit? Don't know. My statements were in a general nature..not directed towards one specific person. If you're a great parent.. I LOVE IT! We need more good parents in this world. But I still stand by my opinion that this whole ordeal smacks of people using their kids to make statements. Just wrong on more than a few levels...in my lowly opinion. Carry on.
  16. Did you pull your kids out of school when Bush/Clinton/Whoever was being 'unconstitutional'? If you didn't have kids then...would you have? Because...at last check, Bush had more czars than Obama currently has. Did you make your opinions known on how much you hated the fact that Bush/Clinton/Whoever was President and shouldn't speak to anyone in your family? If you did/would have, kudos to you for being different. Because in my years on this earth, I've learned that people rarely walk down the middle and only become flag waving and constituional-like when it serves their purpose. If you don't fit into this category..good for you. We can go down the line of most recent Presidents and I'm sure someone can come up with a few things on how he was unethical...surrounded themselves with questionable people...etc..etc. And ..for the record..I never called anyone in this thread a racist, nor am I an Obama nut rider. Actually, I never addressed YOU directly..but you took the torch and ran with it. And with that..I need to get some air.
  17. You got paid overtime, when you weren't working? Do you work for GM?
  18. I'm just beyond all words. I was going to go on this ride, but had family stuff to attend to. Now I'm thinking that it was a really...really..really good idea for me to miss this. Justin..try not to let the troll bother you.
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