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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Clarification...I know you don't need help with the Nurse.....LOL. You know what I meant.
  2. G I know there isn't much I can do in NEO, but let me know if you need help with ANYTHING. Same goes for the Nurse.
  3. The people in Gaza are refugees or related to refugees from the 1948 war. They don't want Hamas...but are powerless to stop them.
  4. Very true. Egypt realized this was a problem that they didn't want to deal with. I was speaking more on the West Bank. If you go back even further in history...Britain, France, the US and Russia have all had a hand in this mess (Egypt included). A big problem here is that the Arabs and Palestinians have LONG memories..have not forgotten the past...and are not ready for peace (not ALL..but a big chunk). On the Israeli side, Israel is trying crush the memory out of them. Why would they make peace with Israel? Most feel the land was stolen from them. To make peace with that would signal a sign of weakness in their eyes. Israeli's ..like anyone else on this earth..just want to live in peace...but they can't. And the 'acceptance by force' policy will never work..but they are entitled to defend themselves! It's just really fucked up no matter how you look at it.
  5. No worries. It's an old Jedi mind trick.
  6. Heh....i called it. No more Affliction. And I didn't realize this...but Fedor is co-owner of M1. No wonder why the deal didn't go through. It wasn't about $$$...it was about picking the opponents. Zuffa wants to say who Fedor fights...and M1 doesn't want that. Understandably...Fedor is M1's goose laying the golden eggs.
  7. An attack by Israel will firmly put the people behind the government. Right now, Israel has not attacked Iran directly. There is a lot of support for being 'non combative' in Iran right now. Ok...fast forward to an unprovoked attack by the 'zionists'. Do you think the people of Iran will say 'See...i told you so? Badddd government....badddddd government!!!" Hell no...they will rally behind the government. What happened in this county on 9/11? We got behind the President. Everyone did...didn't matter if you voted for him or not.
  8. ...must..resist...urge..to...respond... Some thoughts...in random order. The thinking in the intelligence (oxymoron) circles is that Netanyahu met with Putin because of that Russian ship that was 'hijacked'. Reportedly, the ship was carrying russian supplied missiles that were headed for Iran, and it was intercepted by Israel. That's why the meeting was last minute/unannounced. I tend to believe this story..the full details of the who/what/where/when/how about that ship was never discussed. The ship came back home..and that was the end of it. Haven't heard shit from the crew..and the guy that broke the story in Russia had to leave the country because his life was threatened. I don't have a problem with countries supplying Iran with weapons. I have a problem with Iran using those weapons to kill Americans though. How can I say that? The US is the worlds biggest weapons supplier. We provide weapons to countries and armies that further our agenda. Osama used to be our buddy...don't forget. We can't be everyone's buddy..and In that part of the world, EVERYONE has a neighbor...you HAVE to get along with your neighbor or else you'll constantly be at war. It's easier for us to say 'Fuck you' when our only neighbors are Mexico and Canada. That strategy doesn't work in Europe and Asia. So Iran..buy all the shit you want. You're entitled to defend yourself. Unfortunately, we all know that some of those weapons are being funneled to groups that kill Americans. but you know? We do it too..this country has a history of covert and not so covert compaigns against hostile governments. Who's right? Depends on where you live. In my worthless opinion, the US would be sadly mistaken if it supported a strike on Iran. Want to talk about WW III? That will be the next thread. See the shitstorm that happened after Iraq? Watch what happens after a strike on Iran. Iran has many many friends...unlike Iraq at the time. If you think about it..Iraq/Saddam was our BIGGEST allie in the reason...they kept Iran in check. Now with Saddam gone..Iran has gained more influence and power and Iraq should be renamed The Iranian Annex. An unprovoked attack on Iran will have world wide consequences. As far as Palestine/Israel...way too much to get into because I'm tired and should be back in bed. Let's just say that neither side is innocent. I can see things from both points of view...and both sides are going to have to give a little to get a little...or there will never be peace. Both sides have a right to exist....both sides have a right to defend themselves. I wouldn't want a neighbor shooting rockets at me every day and having constant fears of bombs exploding when i went to the ATM...but I also wouldn't want my land illegally seized and settled on and my daily movements and ability to function severly limited either. Both sides need a reality check.
  9. WOW. i just saw this. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. This just saddens me...but you seem to have the right attitude...try to stay positive (I know it's probably hard). At least you're still with us. If I can ever help you with anything..let me know.
  10. *Sigh* I'm pretty sure there wasn't anyone named Greg on that ride.
  11. I heard it was QuikZX9 who ran...and the choppa' couldn't keep up. Seriously though....there is so much I want to say...very funny and witty stuff I might add. But alas, I can't. The sordid details of the end of this story may have to become an OR enigma...I don't want OSP paying ME a visit. All I'll say is....OSP, be on the lookout for this guy!
  12. Same thing happened to me about an old post from earlier in the year. Basically it was a 'Fuck you and fuck him (Obama)' rep. It shouldn't take much to narrow down who it was. Maybe someone who posted around that time...maybe not.
  13. Late to the party here..but this is VERY VERY true. If you haven't spent time in the SE Michigan area, you wouldn't know this.
  14. WOW I almost...almost ...went on this ride. Glad I didn't now. Glad to have you back in one piece Tod. And it sucks to hear about someone getting pulled over twice in one day. Well..everything about this ride sucks except that everyone made it home and no one went to jail (yet).
  15. Maybe an 08 or 08 ZX10. 2010's aren't out yet. ?
  16. Lizard..were you the one with the fading brake issues on the ZX10? Did you get it sorted out?
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