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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. ^ Wait for it........ wait for it....
  2. SHhhhhh!!! You're leaking out our secrets!
  3. InyaAzz

    GI Joe

    The movie makers approach the car manufacturers ...and if they want the exposure, they pay up and the cars or whatever product it is, makes it into the movie. Simple as that. There was a blatant Cisco plug in the GI Joe movie.
  4. InyaAzz

    Health Care

    Did DJ Isle pay his chicken wing debt off yet?
  5. InyaAzz

    GI Joe

    I saw this movie, and it sucked COBRA's balls. Kids will like it cause shit blows up, but not worth the $$ at all.
  6. As a white person I find this video totally acceptable.
  7. Oh..damn. I was about to call you up for a cheap BJ. Damn.
  8. I got negative rep for my 'idiots' comment...and no balls to sign it. Ha!
  9. Kevin Randleman!! An OSU product. Fedor should have died after that. Literally should have died right there on the spot. And Kevin managed to pull defeat out of victory, like he always does. Anyone seen him lately?
  10. War is War. You shoot people..you dodge bullets, and you fuck hookers.
  11. O noes...Walmart is under mortar fire! Quick, what's the # for Dollar General?
  12. I found this rather amusing. EDIT: No..it's not better. Have you thought about the yellow model?
  13. Take your 'dishes' out of her mouth and she won't make those sounds.
  14. i think most Americans are completely numb to even thinking about how they would react. We've never had foreign troops (in recent history) fighting a war on our soil. As long as Mickey D's is open and the ATM is dishing out cash, most Americans couldn't care less.
  15. Justin..the invasion scene in the beginning is worth it. TRUST ME. Watch it. Now.
  16. Both were great movies. I think I liked We Were Soldiers better than this...and FMJ is always near the top of the heap. The beach footage on SPR is pretty damn good. I think if anything, it's got that over FMJ. Crack that surround sound up! Speaking of which...I haven't watched FMJ in a LONG time...need to find a good copy of that.
  17. Examples? I won't even comment on your choice of school.
  18. Nothing about that crowd screams 'welfare'. I guess I don't properly know how to classify someone on welfare...but I've been to Walmart before. I'd say a good fair amount of people that shop there are above the poverty level..they shop there to save money. This Walmart may be different...still doesn't mean someone is on welfare if they aren't a soccer mom. As far as the take down....I am with Justin on this one...and also with the others who say the cops acted appropriately. They neutralized a threat...but at the same time she wasn't threatening the cops....but who wants to wait around until she becomes a threat? Not me. But at the same time, she wasn't threatening anyone as far as I could tell. That being said...Cops have a hard job and you can't discern that info in a couple of seconds. I don't think the cops had to take her down that soon though...she wasn't making any violent motions (that I saw) and they could have handled it a bit differently. I know if it was one of the cops grandmas holding a knife, or someones grandma in the department, you best believe she wouldn't have been taken down like that. So I guess I agree with disarming her, but not in that fashion.
  19. I'd bother paying attention if the video wasn't highly edited and 'captioned'. I'm not doubting the content, but when I see on the screen "AARP decided to stop listening to members and stop the meeting", I smell bullshit. Was it because the members were being dicks and not having a civil discussion, or did AARP say FUCK YOU and walk out? These Twon Halls are becoming a circus. Just debate/discuss like human beings..no need for the theatrics.
  20. MSF is a great class....MSF FTW! But there isn't a class in the world that will stop someone from being a dick on two wheels. Some of these crashes are caused by idiots trying to test the laws of physics while on two wheels. A schooled idiot is still an idiot.
  21. Thread creep. Love it.
  22. This is so sad...yet so funny. It's like sweet n sour candy.
  23. No one should flame you over that..it's your personal choice! XD is hard to beat for the money.
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