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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I finished my course...it was basically a 'Basic Pistol handling' with a little defense shooting thrown in. You can't defense shoot at a range, so we used air pistols for that portion and went through the motions. It was $100 well spent. Next time though, I won't qualify with my Glock 27. That piece is HOT and barks like a rabid dog...my arm was jello after firing the required 80 rounds.
  2. Right wing media gets in a tizzy too. People just choose to pay attention to whatever serves their cause...on both sides.
  3. OMG...Thank you. Quoted for the mutherfuckin' truth. Rep sir.
  4. Then you shouldn't be a fan of this thread I'm thinking.
  5. This is my biggest gripe. I say it's a two party system because that's where all the money is. The other parties don't get shit to say...even though their ideals are valid...because they don't have enough money behind them.
  6. I got around 3-4k on 2CT's, mostly commuting to work with the occasional jaunt through the country. I liked them...but my new love is the BT016. I just took a rear off that went 5400 miles. Just as sticky as the 2CT's and had better wear.
  7. I haven't put any thought into what works better. I just know our system doesn't work as advertised.
  8. I agree with the two party system being shit on a stick.
  9. Wow, look what I found...an Australian birth certificate that looks just like the Kenyan one. How strange. http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2008/s2646009.htm MARK COLVIN: An unsuspecting Adelaide public servant has found himself swept up in a conspiracy to oust the 44th President of the United States from office. A movement known as the Birthers, which originated in California, is attempting to prove that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, therefore making him ineligible to be President. In a bid to stake their claim they released what appeared to be a Kenyan birth certificate with Obama's name on it. Sceptics soon traced the bogus birth certificate and found it to be a forgery. The document turns out to have been based on the birth certificate of an Adelaide man called David Jeffrey Bomford. Dina Rosendorff broke the news to him. DINA ROSENDORFF: David Jeffrey Bomford's language was a touch too colourful for radio when PM first contacted him with news his birth certificate had been used in a bid to oust Barack Obama. Now that he's come to terms with his unwitting involvement in an international conspiracy, he's slightly more amused. DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: (Laughs) That is ridiculous. Little old person in Adelaide, the President of the United States. I don't know whether to laugh about it or not, be worried about it. It is interesting someone from here being involved in a conspiracy - that is so funny. DINA ROSENDORFF: It's believed computer hackers found Mr Bomford's birth certificate on his family's genealogy website. They used it as the basis for a forgery in an attempt to prove President Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii. Only people born in the USA can be president. The fake Kenyan birth document has been circulated by political opponents of Obama's, called the Birthers, who are out to unseat him. A growing online community who are against the Birthers quickly picked apart the bogus birth certificate and traced it back to about as far from Kenya as you can get - Thebarton Community Hospital at Mile End in South Australia and David Jeffrey Bomford. As for the unsuspecting man at the centre of the political storm, he says he's not a Birther - just a public service clerk from Adelaide. DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: I'm not involved in anything. To think that someone like me would be involved in an international conspiracy, considering I'm a conspiratist myself, I believe everything in all the old Roswell and all that rubbish. So this is quite funny. DINA ROSENDORFF: Do you have anything against President Obama? DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: No. I think he was a good choice for President. Apart from that, I didn't at first think he was a good President but he's proved himself alright so he changed my mind. DINA ROSENDORFF: Looking over the documents in question Mr Bomford still can't quite believe his eyes. DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: It's little old me and my mum and everything else up there. Oh I definitely confirm that the birth certificate was mine. That was quite easy to see - my address, even the style of the birth certificate was an old South Australian one. So it's quite easy to identify that it's mine. DINA ROSENDORFF: And looking at the fake Kenyan birth certificate what do you make of it? DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: It's definitely a copy of my certificate. It's so laughable it's ridiculous. DINA ROSENDORFF: Internet security expert Dr Asha Rao from RMIT University says although this case is quite funny, it's also very dangerous. ASHA RAO: It just shows you what is possible on the Internet; that ultimately digital documents come down to a string of zeros and ones. This is an extreme case. Of course they must have trawled around and found something they could use. But it's also, you know, you really don't, if you put that up, that is the main document that shows your identity. So, identity theft starts with getting hold of that document. So it's very dangerous to put stuff like that online. DINA ROSENDORFF: Mr Bomford agrees with the experts and says he'll definitely be removing it from the website. DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: I'm very surprised at how anyone would even find it on the net unless they were looking for something like that because it's buried on a little known research site that's particularly for my family. So I was very, very surprised that anyone would even find it on the net. I'll be certainly contacting my friend who runs that web and asking him to remove it. DINA ROSENDORFF: But he reckons it's a good story to tell his friends and family. DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: I'm not particularly worried about it because no-one would honestly believe that anyone like me would be involved in it - just a grey-haired old guy sitting in a corner in quiet old Adelaide. MARK COLVIN: Adelaide public servant David Jeffrey Bomford ending that report by Dina Rosendorff.
  10. Same here. Nice read!! Rep
  11. Ugh... No one is saying you would ride recklessly UP. SRSLY? It's a personal preference of mine. I don't do it because bad things can happen just braking at a stop sign or having your helmet fog up. Some people don't care. I happen to care..and I don't have any rain gear so I choose not to do it. Like I said before...I'd rather stay home and safe than try to prove someone wrong because he called me out on the internet.
  12. SRSLY? You'd be serious too if you had one of these things chasing you. I'm sure the rain doesn't bother it one bit.
  13. Eat a friendly dick UP!! You had rain gear! Some of us don't..and some of us prefer not to take chances. I'd rather miss a ride and be alive, than play to someone's ego and be dead. I love you too.
  14. Hmm...no update from Tod. Wonder if the baby got sick?
  15. The look on UP's face...LOL!! "Rut Row Shaggy!!"
  16. I'm out. No fan of wet pavement...or rain. I'm sitting here in my gear staring at the radar, and even though it looks like the rain will clear the area in an hour or so,I'm just not feeling it.
  17. This is suspension sag..not pants sagging...FYI. I know it's coming.
  18. ^ What he said. UP is the man. Yes....got the GPS mounted. I need to throw some tunes on there. Gonna road test it in a few minutes. I got front and rear done...bran new tires. Gonna try and put about 100 more miles on them tonight before the ride tomorrow. Oh yeah..it's a Garmin, but I don't know if I can handle mapsource files. I've barely used the thing. I'll PM my email address...send the file over and I'll do some research.
  19. My steroids have long since worn off, so I'm going to try and hang in for the whole 400....but my pussy might start hurting.
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